Are You Prepared For A Dental 911 on Vacation?

2023-04-19T16:20:21+00:00April 19th, 2023|Adam Brown DDS, Dental Crowns, Dentist Office Monroe NC, Tooth Infection|

What To Do if You Have a Dental Emergency While on Vacation

As unpredictable as life can be, it’s worth preparing for certain emergencies, especially when traveling away from home. Obviously, with the hope no emergency comes about. Keeping a first-aid kit in your car; setting a security alarm on your home; even bringing an extra set of clothes are examples of our preparedness, but there’s another situation that is often forgotten: a dental emergency. Do you know what to do if you or a loved one has a dental mishap while traveling or on vacation?

Dental Emergency on Vacation - What To Do

Picture yourself on a beach. You can hear the waves moving out and coming back in — that soft, loud rush of sound that works as a charging station for the mind, body, and soul. Now see yourself reaching to the side of your chair to grab your favorite beachy drink, and as you go for a sip…you clink the edge of the class to your tooth and your tooth chips! It can be that easy, and it can be that quick. And without a plan, this sort of emergency can only get worse.

No matter where you are or what you’re doing, an unexpected toothache, broken teeth, and general mouth pain can happen, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer. Most likely, unless you are truly off the grid, you should be able to find care nearby.

Worst case, you end up in the emergency room and leave with a prescription for pain medication that can get you in the clear until you’re back home. But this can be expensive, and it doesn’t diagnose or solve the issue. It alleviates it and pushes it down the road for later. Adam Brown, DDS explains some of the most common dental emergencies and how to respond to them:

Common Types of Dental Emergencies

If you can imagine the emergency, it can most likely happen. With that in mind, the following are the most typical dental emergencies:

  • A tooth or multiple teeth fall out due to chewing something hard or taking a blow to the mouth.
  • You lose a crown or filling from chewing ice, hard candy, etc.
  • You injure your gums, palate, or mouth by taking some sort of impact to the face.
  • A tooth becomes loose.
  • You chip or fracture a tooth. (Maybe from misjudging the distance between your mouth and your favorite beachy drink.)
  • You feel sudden, unusual, excruciating pain inside the mouth. This could be the roots of the teeth, the gums themselves, etc.
  • Your gums or mouth starts to swell and change color (deep red or grey/white).

How does one respond to any of these tragedies? In a number of ways. It depends on your exact situation: how threatening the injury is, who is with you, where you are in proximity to getting help.

But one thing to keep in mind is that if you do lose a tooth: immediate action needs to be taken, as the amount of time a tooth is absent from the gums and root system determines the likelihood of a dentist being able to successfully replace it.

How to Respond When a Dental Emergency Happens

Whether or not the dental emergency is yours or not, it’s good to be prepared to handle what could be thrown your way. Here are a couple of those common emergencies along with some commentary on how to respond:

A Toothache and/or Mouth Pain

Such a severe, sharp pain as what’s experienced in this situation can constitute an emergency. What can be tricky about oral pain is that, a lot of times, it begins with a dull pain that seems insignificant. That is until it begins to throb.

Here is what to do: First, examine your mouth to make sure there is no visible source of the pain. If there isn’t, look for discoloration or swelling. If you see either, it’s a good idea to find a doctor or dentist to give it a look. Otherwise, if it’s only a dull pain, take over-the-counter pain medicine until you can reach a dentist.

A Broken, Cracked, or Dislodged Tooth

This can happen due to sport, play, or a freak accident. And, no matter the reason for a broken or chipped tooth, an immediate trip to an emergency dentist or the emergency room will be necessary.

It’s a good idea to research a local (to where you will be) dentist and find the contact information and hours of operation. If you know you’ll be active on your trip — and that a dental emergency is possible — consider contacting the dentist to see if she (or anyone she knows) can be of assistance in case of an emergency.

This might seem like a bit much. But due to the commonality of dental emergencies while traveling, and the fact that you like your teeth and would like to keep them intact, it’s smart to plan for the worst.

*Note: If you do lose a tooth, rinse your mouth with cold water and apply a cold compress to the area where the tooth is missing. This will help control inflammation until you can get proper aid.

Prepping for Your Trip

The following are a few quick tips for when you’re preparing for a trip:

  • Locate your dental and medical insurance documents and give them a thorough reading, as to see what sort of coverage you have while traveling.
  • For any and every place you plan to visit, locate their medical facilities so you know where to go if something were to happen — dental emergency or otherwise. Be sure to record the pertinent information so you have it readily available.
  • If you’re having any sort of pain or oral issues prior to leaving for your trip, schedule a thorough checkup before leaving. Also, mention your plans to your dentist to confirm he recommends travel while in your specific condition.
  • Always pack pain medicine and oral hygiene products so you can do as much as possible for your oral care yourself while out and about.
  • Be cognizant of your oral condition while traveling. Consider keeping from hard chewing that could potentially damage your teeth and/or gums (e.g., hard candies, ice, etc.).
  • If you’re going to play a sport, or you plan to become physically active while on vacation, bring a protective mouth guard to keep your teeth and gums safe.

Finding a Dentist While Traveling

Remember that you’re planning for something that hopefully won’t happen, so you don’t want to expend too much time and energy on this. But you do want to be thorough enough so you’re prepared if anything does happen.

Take 30 minutes to research a local dentist; then, send an email or give them a call. Even if they don’t offer services when you need them, they might be able to point you to someone who does. Worst case scenario, go to the emergency room.

No matter how things pan out while on your trip, if you do have an emergency and you receive emergency care, make it a priority to visit your home dentist as soon as you return. And most importantly, don’t forget to have fun!


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How to Tell if Your Tooth is Infected

2022-08-15T15:52:19+00:00August 15th, 2022|Tooth Infection|

How to Know If Your Tooth is Infected

There is nothing fun or exciting about having an infected tooth. The pain and swelling can leave even the toughest of individuals lying awake at night wondering how to find relief.

How do teeth get infected and what should you do if it happens?

Answering these questions is the first step to maintaining proper oral health and keeping your teeth free from infection.

There are a variety of ways a tooth can become infected: an untreated dental cavity can quickly become infected, an injured tooth that is not kept clean, or even prior dental work—if not properly cared for—can result in swelling at the tooth’s root, which then spreads infection.

If you think you might have an infected tooth, see your dentist right away. Then, he can drain the infected area, clean it, and advise on proper care in order to nurse the tooth back to health. If the infection is bad enough, the tooth may have to be removed and replaced. Not treating an infected tooth can lead to major complications, even some life-threatening ones.


Warning Signs of an Infected Tooth

It is never a good idea to try and diagnose your own oral health, and it’s an even worse idea to ignore mouth swelling and/or pain with the hope it will simply go away. That pain and uneasiness you feel is your body telling you to pay attention! Here are some of the most common warning signs of an infected tooth:

  • Maintaining a low or mid fever can be indicative of many maladies, and a tooth infection is definitely one.
  • A continuous throbbing tooth that spreads its pulsating pain through the jawbone and neck and ear is probably one of the clearest signs you are suffering from a tooth infection.
  • A sharp pain when eating or drinking items that are hot or cold temperatures.
  • A sharp pain when your teeth are active—chewing gum, biting down on food, brushing, flossing, etc.
  • If you notice any swelling of the face, or portions of the face such as the cheeks, is a good sign of infection. This swelling can also cause difficulty breathing and swallowing.
  • If ever your lymph nodes and jaw/neck area are sore for a series of days, this could be due to infection.
  • Bad breath you can’t seem to get rid of even after thoroughly brushing, rinsing can be due to a tooth that is rotting from infection.
  • To go along with the bad breath, there may also be a bad taste in the mouth that won’t go away—this is when the infection itself begins to leak into other areas of the mouth.


Preventing A Tooth Infection

Clearly, if you have any symptoms of infection it’s best to make an appointment with the dentist, but if ever you are struggling to breathe and swallow to a dangerous degree, head straight to the emergency room.
Hopefully, though, you will never get to that point. By using preventative measures, avoiding tooth infection is not a difficult task. Use these tips to keep your oral health in gear:

  • Use fluoride toothpaste and be sure and brush for at least two minutes, once in the morning and again at night.
  • Use an antiseptic or fluoride every morning before brushing. (You can at night before brushing as well, but once a day is all that’s needed.)
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and make sure a lot of the water you drink contains fluoride, which helps fight against the possibility of infection.
  • Floss—with dental floss or a water pik flosser—at least once a day.
  • Make sure and use a soft-bristled toothbrush and replace it every three or four months (or earlier if you notice the bristles are fraying).
  • Stay away from sugary foods and drinks as much as possible. And when you do eat or drink them, be sure and brush right after or at least thoroughly rinse with water.
  • Visit the dentist for regular cleanings and checkups (at least twice a year).


From Teeth to Gums

Unfortunately, an infected tooth is not the only danger our mouths may face. For instance, noticing a white coloration on your gums could mean a number of different things, and they all have varying levels of seriousness.

Infections of teeth or gums are nothing to play with.

That being said, as long as you catch it in time and know the possible reasons for the infection, you can get your oral health right back where it needs to be. Here are some possible reasons for infected gums:

Leukoplakia: this is an oral disease where white or gray coloration appears on or around the gums. These light spots are created due to mucous membranes that are sensitive and quite painful. Think canker sores, only on your gums! Leukoplakia is often caused by long-term tobacco use, excessive alcohol use, poorly fitting dental appliances, mouth injury, or bodily maladies such as cancer and HIV. If you find painful, white sores on your gums, the best thing to do is see a dentist immediately. Whether it is leukoplakia or not, your gums should never be white.

Anemia: this is a tough one because it can produce in many different forms, making it difficult to identify. The best way to diagnose anemia is to notice if the white coloration on your gums is paired with any of the following happenings:

  • Cold hands and feet
  • Constant fatigue
  • Chronic headaches
  • Spells of dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Bodily weakness
  • Spells of irregular heartbeat

Another tell sign of anemia is sudden whiteness of skin beyond just the gums. Some common causes of anemia include vitamin B12 and iron deficiencies, Crohn’sdisease, and celiac disease. This is definitely one you want to take care of right away. If you feel any of these symptoms could be true for you, make a dental appointment as soon as possible.

Mouth Ulcers: noticing white spots on your gums could indicate oncoming ulcers. This is much less serious than the previous causes of white gums, but these sores are no fun at all. If you feel the white spots on your gums could be connected to ulcers, it’s a good idea to begin washing your mouth out with salt water. This is a great way to keep them away and the inside of your mouth healthy. Some causes of mouth ulcers are sugary foods and drinks, as well as, tobacco use. There is no need to completely cut these out of your diet, but regulation is a must.

Gingivitis: this is a mild form of gum disease that is fairly common among American adults. If you notice your gums beginning to recede and turn white, gingivitis is most likely the culprit. A few other signs include swollen and bleeding gums, even painful irritation, and loose teeth. The most common cause of gingivitis is poor oral care, so if you have fallen off the wagon a bit, it’s best to get right back into the routine of brushing and flossing regularly to keep from this uncomfortable situation.

Lichen Planus: this chronic autoimmune condition can inflame the gums and begin to turn them white in lacy patches. Symptoms of lichen planus are similar to gingivitis, but regular dental check-ups can keep this condition from inflammation.

Candidiasis: simply put, this is a yeast infection that causes creamy white sores on the gums. This type of infection is usually seen in babies and older adults and is often brought on by diabetes. If you happen to fit any of these categories, it is best to maintain a strict teeth-and-gum cleaning schedule and keep up with your dental appointments. Two appointments a year are recommended, but in this case, you might benefit more from three or four check-ups a year.

Oral Cancer: if you ever notice white bumps or growths on your gums, or if you suddenly find it difficult to chew or swallow, see a dentist right away. Most importantly, though, don’t panic. White growths or raised sections on the gums do not always equate to cancer, and even if they do, the faster you get them looked at the better your chances of having them safely removed.

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