Is Sparkling Water Bad for Your Teeth?

2020-07-16T16:55:40+00:00May 20th, 2019|Dentist Office Monroe NC, General, Oral Health|

There has been a lot of buzz lately about sparkling water, with many people touting it as an alternative to regular or diet sodas. Also, with the many flavorings out there now, sparkling and seltzer waters have become far more attractive as a choice for a soft drink. In fact, sales of sparkling water have doubled since 2011. That said, some have questioned whether sparkling water is bad for your teeth and, if so, how?

It is important to understand the impact of the trend in sparkling water consumption and its impact on your teeth. We want to delve into this controversy, clear up some misconceptions, and give you a few pointers so you can continue to take care of your oral health.

Firstly, it is important to understand that carbonated water has CO2 in it, which gives the bubbly effervescence to carbonated water. But when you drink the fizzy carbonated water, a chemical reaction transpires in your mouth, which turns the Co2 into carbonic acid. But know this: this is a relatively weak acid on its own, so unless you choose sparkling or seltzer waters flavored with citrus (and thus a more acidic sparkling water), the acidic levels are quite low.

In 2016 the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) released a study of the acidity of various beverages. As a baseline, spring water was used (it has a neutral acidity level of pH 7.4) to assess the acidity of sparkling waters. Sparkling water was found to have an average of pH 5 or 5.5 (for example, Perrier is 5.5), making them definitely acidic in nature. The ADA concluded that, on the whole, sparkling water exceeds the acidity of regular tap or spring water. Thus, our attitudes toward sparkling water need to be adjusted slightly, for sparkling water is not the same as any old, regular water.

However, the ADA has not found conclusive evidence of any kind that suggests drinking sparkling water is harmful to your tooth enamel. In fact, the acidity level of coffee is far higher, and thus worse, for your teeth than is sparkling water. Compare coffee’s pH level of up to 6 (depending on the coffee), in contrast to sparkling water’s pH 5 level, and you can see that coffee is a bigger culprit in tooth enamel’s loss.


Helpful Strategies

  1. Don’t sip sparkling waters throughout the day, like you would spring or tap water. Rather, drink them in one sitting (in a short span of time), in order to decrease the length of exposure of your tooth enamel to the acidity levels.
  2. If you have dry mouth, which is decreased salivation production due to other illnesses like diabetes, it is best to avoid acidic drinks of any kind.
  3. Brush your teeth after consuming these drinks (and coffee, too, for that matter!). So many of us tend to think we should only brush after eating, forgetting that sugary or acidic elements in drinks we imbibe can be just as harmful to our oral health. So, carry a small toothbrush and toothpaste tube with you to take on the go, and brush after both eating and drinking anything (other than plain water).
  4. Use a mouthwash twice a day, morning and evening. If you are a real enthusiast, you can certainly take a swish-and-spit moment after lunch, following a good tooth brushing. Mouthwash can clear away bacteria and harmful sugars from your teeth. Remember, acidity breaks down tooth enamel and then it is the bacteria, feeding on sugar in your mouth, that creates the problem. Mouthwash can eliminate the bacteria and wash away the sugar—this will preserve your tooth enamel as well.

On the whole, choosing seltzers and sparkling waters is a far better choice for your teeth than drinking regular or diet sodas. The pH levels of most seltzers and sparkling waters are better for your teeth than the average soda. However, from a basic health standpoint (which will always be the best choice for your teeth), drink eight glasses of tap or spring water a day. Plain, pH neutral water is the best choice for your health at every level. And, if you are apt to drink seltzers or sparkling waters, a single swig of plain water after you finish the can, with a bit of a swish of that plain water about your mouth, can help to wash away some of the acidic build-up.


Have more questions? Talk to your oral hygienist or one of our dentists at Carolinas Dental Choice.

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Alternative Pain Therapies: Dentist Respond to the Opioid Crisis

2020-07-16T16:55:54+00:00May 14th, 2019|Dentist Office Monroe NC|

It’s been all over the news the past few years and, if you haven’t seen it yet, there are several state attorneys general who are bringing class action lawsuits against the makers of opioid medications for their negligence to disclose how addictive certain kinds of pain medications are. And because surgeries provide the pretext for the prescription of such heavy-duty painkillers, the American Medical Association and the American Dental Association have begun to reconsider the kinds of pain medications they prescribe.

Most people usually think about surgeries at hospitals, but quite a few forget that dentists also perform surgeries, and can also prescribe painkillers to their patients. So, we want to highlight the ethical responsibility we feel, here at Carolinas Dental Choice, for handling painkiller medications. We also want to highlight some of the good things happening across America in a concerted effort to deal with the opioid crisis (as it relates to the dental industry), and lastly, we want to point you in the direction of some pain management alternatives that do not involve taking heavy-duty painkillers. We want you, our patients, both to be well-informed and to know you have choices when it comes to how we administer your oral health care.

The ADA and the Opioid Crisis

The American Dental Association has begun to acknowledge the role it has in diminishing the impact of opioid drugs on Americans. It has begun to address the issue by training dentists, and issuing advisements, about the dangers of opioid addiction, as well as, ways to recognize signs of such addiction in our patients. In 2018, the ADA resolved and enacted a policy regarding the prescribing of opioid painkillers. They committed the organization to three initiatives around the issue of calling for mandatory education on opioid prescription practices: provision for continuing education credits for dentists, developing coursework for dentists on issuing these painkillers, and enacting a phase-in period so that dentists can reach compliance with Congressional concerns.

In other words, the ADA is making strides in seeing how it can, as an organization, ensure that its dentists to not contribute to the opioid crisis and are, therefore, well-educated in how to prevent the spread of addiction to such classes of painkillers like OxyContin, Vicodin, or similar drugs. The ADA has also resolved issuing guidelines for dentists, advising them to prescribe a maximum seven-day dosage of opioid-classed painkillers, bringing the ADA into compliance with the CDC’s guidelines.

These resolutions by the ADA mean a safer, better America for us all. They also mean that dentists are better informed about the risks and responsibilities associated with prescribing opioid painkillers to their patients. That means they can better instruct their patients on how to take a painkiller and how to avoid developing an addiction to an opioid. Dentists and patients alike can take responsibility, together, for growing their knowledge of opioid use and thus help put an end to the crisis. A recent webinar, led by Dr. Cathy Carlson and Dr. Aaron Gilson at the ADA, addressed these concerns. Simply know this: the ADA is taking steps to help curb the opioid addiction in this country, and we too are following in their footsteps by adhering to ADA’s guidelines for prescribing opioids. We at Carolinas Dental Choice want you as safe and as healthy as you can be. We know about the crisis our doctors, Dr. Brown and Dr. Kashyap along with the whole team, and are committed to seeing this crisis abate.

The Benefits and Risks of Using Prescription Painkillers

When you have any kind of oral surgery—and the most common or familiar surgery is the removal of wisdom teeth—it means you will have to manage post-surgical pain. So, we want to highlight the pros and cons of using any opioid painkillers, so that you are as informed as possible. Our recommendations draw on the ADA’s advice to patients, found here. We will highlight a few key pieces of information and make a few suggestions, below:

  1. Know what kinds of opioids there are: Vicodin, OxyContin, Percocet, morphine, and codeine are all drugs that call into the opioid class of painkillers. They can be made from natural substances occurring in the poppy, for example, morphine, or synthetic drugs that mimic the substances of the poppy (fentanyl-based drugs like OxyContin are synthetics).
  2. Understand how they work: opioids work by making you feel that pain is lessened and they also increase the “feel-good” hormone in your brain, called dopamine. (Dopamine is one of several hormones that give you a “feel-good” rush after exercise, for example.)
  3. Pain management choices: over-the-counter painkillers, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can be highly effective painkillers for post-oral surgeries. That said, prescription drugs are available but it is extremely important that you: a) update your medical history to us; b) disclose to us any previous drug addictions or use you (or others in your family) had or have now; and c) keep an open, honest dialogue with us, including asking questions.
  4. If you prescribed an opioid, in consultation with your dentist, then seek to understand: the goal of the prescription; dosage and usage instructions; length of prescription; risks involved in taking the painkiller; how to dispose of extra, unused medication (you can return the remainder to a pharmacist for disposal).
  5. Talk to your family! It is important that they stay informed about your prescriptions and the risks they could pose (not just opioid prescriptions but all of them). They can help monitor your progress, after surgery and while taking painkillers.
  6. It is importation that you, the prescribed patient, are the only one who takes the medication. You should never turn over your medication to others, or give it to another person to use. If you feel at risk of developing an addiction, talk to your dentist as well as your general practitioner/family doctor.
  7. Know those groups at higher risks of developing addictions: adolescents (tooth extractions) and those with a history of past or current drug abuse struggles.


This is how we can, together, stop the opioid crisis. It’s up to us, so staying informed about how to handle our responsibilities together means we empower ourselves and each other to make healthy, proactive decisions about prescription painkillers. If you feel at risk, it’s important to convey that to us so that we can help you find alternative ways of planning for pain management, after oral surgery. We want to help you make the best, most informed and healthiest choices for post-surgical care. We are here for you.

Pain Management Alternatives

Because dental providers are among some of the leading prescribers of prescription painkillers, especially for tooth extractions, it is important to know what other choices you have available to you for pain management, besides prescription-strength opioids.

Firstly, be aware that we can prescribe both prescription-strength ibuprofen and prescription-strength acetaminophen, which means they have to be picked up from a pharmacy. These are stronger versions of the over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers you’re used to seeing on the shelf. Many times, regular OTC ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be enough of a painkiller; depending on the kind of oral surgery you have, prescription-strength versions of these can also be highly useful.

If you know yourself to have a relatively high pain tolerance, then consider either OTC or prescription-strength ibuprofen or acetaminophen. There isn’t much use in filling a prescription for a stronger class of painkiller if you don’t really need it. You know your body well, so make an informed decision. And, when it comes to caring for your children, you know their pain tolerances well, also, so bear those facts in mind.

Secondly, consider homeopathic remedies for pain management and pain relief. Some practitioners of homeopathic medicine have made the following suggestions:

  1. Consider taking pre-surgery immunity-boosters. Bulking up on Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, and Vitamin A can help boost your body’s immune system in preparation for fighting off any potential for infections.
  2. See food as medicine: post-surgery nutrition can be part of the solution for easing the healing process. Consider eating foods that have anti-inflammatory properties (like olive oil, avocados, and other foods). Pineapple contains “bromelain,” an enzyme that is meant to help with pain relief; you could make a smoothie that features pineapple.
  3. Make use of supplements: you can use Calendula (marigold) leaves to make a tea or mouth rinse. Calendula contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Or you can use myrrh oil, which also contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, in a homemade mouthwash. Licorice root has numerous properties, which can promote healing and restoration, as well as, reduce pain or inflammation.
  4. Consider ingesting or using (depending on the substance) some natural antimicrobials, like honey, coneflower (Echinacea), or myrrh. A cloth soaked in witch hazel tea, and applied to site of extractions, was a common practice among Native Americans. Slavic peoples of Russia and the Balkans have, for centuries, made use of nettle root to deal with inflammation and pain. Blueberries have also been found to contain anti-inflammatory properties (you can make a paste out of them and apply to inflamed gums.)

If you are interested in exploring, more in-depth, these alterative homeopathic remedies or treatments, look at this site as well as this one. (We highlighted some of the points these websites made in the numbered list above.) Though we as Carolinas Dental Choice cannot endorse or support all of the claims made by homeopathic sites, we do respect your right to explore all of the options available to you for pain management and relief. Just talk to us about what strategy you want to take, if you decide to go the homeopathic route so we can help you to monitor your pain relief and post-surgical recovery.

Final Thoughts

Pain management and relief is a responsibility, and we all need to see it as such. Carolinas Dental Choice sees the need to curb and end the opioid crisis, and we want to assure you that we are committed to making responsible, informed decisions together with you, about your own oral hygiene and care.

We want you to talk to us about any health issues you have, as well as any previous exposure to illicit or prescription drugs. You don’t need to be afraid or ashamed about previous drug use or abuse, but we do need to know so we can make an informed decision. Also, if you feel at risk for developing a dependency on a painkiller, alert us right away. It’s best we know beforehand, during the initial consultation, of any risks you might face for dependency, but we also want to help intervene if you are post-surgery and find yourself growing dependent. We are here to ensure you stay safe and healthy, so keep the lines of communication open with us at all stages of your oral health care.

Let’s sit down and talk about ways to manage pain and find relief after your oral surgery. Our doctors and staff at Carolinas Dental Choice are committed to your total well-being. Let’s make responsible choices, together.

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Our Commitment to Ethics at Carolina’s Dental Choice

2020-07-16T16:57:05+00:00March 25th, 2019|Dental Insurance, Dental Trends, Dentist Office Monroe NC, testimonial|

At Carolina’s Dental Choice we are strongly committed to the ethical treatment of both our staff and patients. These ethics we work and live by are the cornerstone of our business—and they are much more than a mantra to us. Our commitment to ethics can be seen each day you are in our office, and it is our hope that you are encouraged and comforted by our desire to maintain an honest and professional experience.

The American Dental Association outlines a few desired tenets to ethics for all dental offices in the U.S., and we here at Carolina’s Dental Choice follow five important principles when it comes to caring for our employees and patients:

  1. Patient Autonomy (self-governance)
  2. Nonmaleficence (do no harm)
  3. Beneficence (do good)
  4. Justice (fairness)
  5. Veracity (truthfulness)

Of course these sound wonderful, but exactly how we use them to interact with you on a daily basis is a little more detailed. Let’s take a closer look at each principle to see just how we use it.


Patient Autonomy

According to the ADA’s Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct document, every dentist has a duty to be truthful with patients. The document states,

“This principle expresses the concept that professionals have a duty to be honest and trustworthy in their dealings with people. Under this principle, the dentist’s primary obligations include respecting the position of trust inherent in the dentist-patient relationship, communicating truthfully and without deception, and maintaining intellectual integrity.”

To us, this doesn’t just mean we are to keep your dental records private. This also means we will keep you in the know when it comes to what is happening with your oral health. It also means you can trust us not to try and manipulate you into having procedures done that are not actually needed. Patient autonomy is the first step in building a trusting relationship.


The ADA’s code of ethics also discusses the importance of nonmaleficence:

 “This principle expresses the concept that professionals have a duty to protect the patient from harm. Under this principle, the dentist’s primary obligations include keeping knowledge and skills current, knowing one’s own limitations and when to refer to a specialist or other professional, and knowing when and under what circumstances delegation of patient care to auxiliaries is appropriate.”

You never have to worry about receiving anything but top-of-the-line, professional care at Carolina’s Dental Choice. We continually work according to the notion that if we are not completely sold on an idea, we will discuss with a fellow professional to gain clarity. This means that if we are not 100% confident of a particular procedure with a particular patient, we will not proceed. We want to best for you, and sometimes that means taking the extra time to have a conversation.


The American Dental Association sees benefice as

 “…the concept that professionals have a duty to act for the benefit of others. Under this principle, the dentist’s primary obligation is service to the patient and the public-at-large. The most important aspect of this obligation is the competent and timely delivery of dental care within the bounds of clinical circumstances presented by the patient, with due consideration being given to the needs, desires and values of the patient. The same ethical considerations apply whether the dentist engages in fee-for-service, managed care or some other practice arrangement…”

Just ask any of our current patients and they will tell you Carolina’s Dental Choice is always working on behalf of the customer. Since our very first day in office, one of our primary goals has been to always operate for the benefit of others. This is continually our commitment you.


Though life may not be fair, Carolina’s Dental Choice is determined to treat everyone equally, as stated by the ADA’s fourth principle:

“This principle expresses the concept that professionals have a duty to be fair in their dealings with patients, colleagues and society. Under this principle, the dentist’s primary obligations include dealing with people justly and delivering dental care without prejudice. In its broadest sense, this principle expresses the concept that the dental profession should actively seek allies throughout society on specific activities that will help improve access to care for all.”

We do not discriminate or judge at CDC. We see each patient as unique and deserving of the same professional treatment we give everyone.


Lastly, the ADA sees veracity as this:

“This principle expresses the concept that professionals have a duty to be honest and trustworthy in their dealings with people. Under this principle, the dentist’s primary obligations include respecting the position of trust inherent in the dentist-patient relationship, communicating truthfully and without deception, and maintaining intellectual integrity.”

We will never share your information with others or every give you reason not to trust us. We aim to create relationships with our customers, and a relationship built on honesty is always the best policy.

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Meet Hannah Autry, Our Social Events Director

2020-07-16T17:23:15+00:00January 22nd, 2019|Adam Brown DDS, Dentist Office Monroe NC|

Receptionists, dental hygienists, and dentists: these are familiar positions that we can put names and faces to when we think about our visits to Carolina’s Dental Choice. However, there are many more people that make Carolina’s Dental Choice an outstanding office and dental practice, and they’re not as behind-the-scenes as you might think. Cue the Social Events Director and dental assistant at Carolina’s Dental Choice, Hannah Autry, and hear more about what she helps CDC bring to the Monroe community. Plus, the next time you’re at the dentist, you’ll have another friendly face to put a name to!



Hannah Autry


Place of Birth:

Charlotte, NC



The Dental Staff Institute of Charlotte/CDA


What does your position as the Social Events Director entail?

I get to plan, manage, and execute various events in the community, targeting patients who do not currently have a dentist or are looking to find a new dentist. 


What does a normal day at CDC look like for you?

I am a full time dental assistant, so the majority of my time is spent helping Dr. Brown and Dr. Kashyap treat patients.  When I am not assisting I am planning new social events and working with other local businesses on ways to improve our marketing. 


Why is it important for a dental office to have a Social Events Director?

It brings in new patients, helps us give back to the community, and keeps us on the lookout to improve every part of the office, especially marketing. 


Could you tell us about what CDC’s community outreach plan looks like?

We plan on attending and planning various events in the community to prove that our dental office is the best around!

We recently attended the first annual Union County Bridal Show and Expo to reach out to newly engaged couples looking for a new dentist or wanting to improve their smile for the most photographed day of their lives.  We raffled bleach trays and gave out goodies to every bride, groom, and family member or friend who attended the show and stopped by our table.  We also recently provided Treehouse Vineyards with trivia prizes for the month of January.  After all, wine stains your teeth so bleach trays are beneficial to every wine drinker! 


Who are these events targeted to?

Families new to the area, businesses that have recently changed dental insurance providers, newly engaged couples, and anyone in the community looking for a new dentist.  


Are these events only local to Monroe?

Our events are not limited to Monroe.  We plan on extending our events to Charlotte and surrounding areas in the near future. 


What’s the most rewarding aspect of community outreach?

How much joy it brings people to know we are a small, private, locally-owned dental practice with one location and three doctors. 


Describe your team at CDC in one word.



What’s the most challenging part of your job?

I do not feel any part of my job is challenging because I have enough confidence in myself to handle any task that comes my way! 


How do you start your workdays?

With a nice workout including a long run, a healthy breakfast, and a delicious cup of coffee. 


What brought you to Monroe, NC?

I was raised in Indian Trail, NC where I spent all of my childhood.  Steven (my husband) and I bought our house in Monroe, NC back in 2015 and we plan on starting and raising our family here.  After all, we live less than 5 miles from the office!


What do you like about living here?

Absolutely everything!  I could not image living anywhere else.  We are passionate about traveling, so what better location could we have than to be three hours from the beach and mountains?  The Charlotte area has and will always be home to us.  


What are you passionate about?

My English Bulldogs (Tug Boat and Freight Train) are my children. When my husband Steven and I are not tending to, playing with, and snuggling them we enjoy traveling (the most), hiking, camping, fishing, golfing, being outdoors, working out, cooking, shopping, and spending time with our family and friends! 


What is the most important personal attribute you bring to your job?

I have a very bubbly personality and “never met a stranger” attitude.  Anyone who is working with people in the community needs to have a very outgoing personality!  Also, I feel organization is key to being successful.  My OCD plays a huge roll in my everyday life.  Whether it is here at work, at home, in the car, or even at the gym my life is organized in some way.


What is the coolest thing you’re working on right now?

Creating a brochure to be used office-wide and passed out at all social events. 


What do you hope to accomplish this year as Social Events Coordinator?

Assuring each Union County resident has the best experience in our dental office.  Our clients trust us with all of their dental needs, and we appreciate the confidence they have placed in us by referring their family and friends to our practice and contributing to our daily growth!


Where can I learn more about CDC’s outreach events?

Our Facebook page is updated regularly with all events. 

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The 411 on 3D Imaging at Carolina’s Dental Choice

2018-11-05T14:28:46+00:00November 5th, 2018|Dentist Office Monroe NC|

3-D Imaging Device-New Advances in Imaging Making a Difference

3D head Scanner, 3 dimensional digital device, Charlotte NC, Carolina"s Dental Choice

The X Factor

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845-1923) was a German mechanical engineer and physicist, who, in 1895 produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range known as X-rays or Röntgen rays, an achievement that earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901. (Wikipedia). He demonstrated that the rays could pass through human tissue, yet not bone and teeth. Bone and teeth would appear as “shadows” and he learned to make images from these. Like Pierre Curie, Röntgen refused to patent his discovery, instead wanting society as whole to benefit from his work, he even donated his Nobel Prize money to his university.

X-rays are a form of energy, similar to light and radio waves. X-rays are also called radiation. Unlike light waves, x-rays have enough energy to pass through your body. As the radiation moves through your body, it passes through bones, tissues and organs differently, which allows a radiologist to create pictures of them. The views these images are on photographic film or on monitors similar to a computer display.*

X-ray examinations provide valuable information about your health and help your doctor or dentist make an accurate diagnosis.*

The use of x-rays in dentistry of a living person in the United States took place in 1896. Advances in dentistry and the availability of the equipment grew and x-rays became part of the normal dental routine in the 1950s.

3-D Imaging

3-D imaging has become more popular as machines have become more advanced and more available in the medical community. Popular for ultrasounds, mammograms, and other uses, they are helping doctors and dentists better diagnose health issues, while making it easier on the patient. This is truly technology changing lives.

Dental CBCT (3-D) systems have been sold in the United States since the early 2000s and are increasingly used by radiologists and dental professionals for various clinical applications including dental implant planning, visualization of abnormal teeth, evaluation of the jaws and face, cleft palate assessment, diagnosis of dental caries (cavities), endodontic (root canal) diagnosis, and diagnosis of dental trauma. (

Also known as, dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and described by as “a special type of x-ray equipment used when regular dental or facial x-rays are not sufficient. Your doctor may use this technology to produce three dimensional (3-D) images of your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways and bone in a single scan.” Adding, “this procedure requires little to no special preparation.” *

More about Cone Bean CT:*

  1. Cone beam CT is not the same as conventional CT. However, dental cone beam CT can be used to produce images that are similar to those produced by conventional CT imaging.
  2. With cone beam CT, an x-ray beam in the shape of a cone is moved around the patient to produce a large number of images, also called views. CT scans and cone beam CT both produce high-quality images.
  3. Dental cone beam CT was developed as a means of producing similar types of images but with a much smaller and less expensive machine that could be placed in an outpatient office.
  4. Cone beam CT provides detailed images of the bone and is performed to evaluate diseases of the jaw, dentition, bony structures of the face, nasal cavity and sinuses. It does not provide the full diagnostic information available with conventional CT, particularly in evaluation of soft tissue structures such as muscles, lymph nodes, glands and nerves. However, cone beam CT has the advantage of lower radiation exposure compared to conventional CT.

At Carolina’s Dental Choice, we use Planmeca 3-D imaging device to help diagnose our patients. Not all damage and disease is visible during a routine dental examination. We strive to limit our patients exposure to radiation. That’s why we make the process quick and painless!

The 3-D Planmeca imaging device is the newest X-ray procedures. Instead of using standard X-ray film, 3-D digital images are produced on the computer screen where we can view them, store them or print them. 3-D imaging take a fraction of the time and uses less radiation.

This technology offers up a profound representation of anatomy, thus offering new possibilities for diagnosis and treatment. These advances assist with many forms of dentistry, including: endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, implantology, dental and maxillofacial surgery.

The benefits for the patient include:*

  • Cone beam CT scans provide more information that conventional dental x-ray, allowing for more precise treatment planning.
  • CT scanning is painless, noninvasive and accurate.
  • A major advantage of CT is its ability to image bone and soft tissue at the same time.
  • No radiation remains in a patient’s body after a CT examination.
  • X-rays used in CT scans should have no immediate side effects.
  • Non-invasive, there is no need to bite down on a mold or piece of plastic.

Benefits for the dentist include:*

  • The focused x-ray beam reduces scatter radiation, resulting in better image quality.
  • A single scan produces a wide variety of views and angles that can be manipulated to provide a more complete evaluation.
  • Surgical planning for impacted teeth.
  • Accurate placement of dental implants.
  • Determining bone structure and tooth orientation.
  • Locating the origin of pain.
  • Planning orthodontic issues.

What can you expect?

Like traditional x-rays, you’ll be asked to sit very still. While seated, the x-ray source and detector will sweep around you in unison providing a 360-degree rotation (or less, as needed). This typically takes 20-40 seconds for a full scan, and less if the scan if for a specific area only.

Jewelry, eyeglasses, dentures, and other metal objects may affect the images and should be removed in advance. You might also be asked to remove hearing aids and any removable dental work and piercings.

This is a painless procedure and results are quickly available for treatment planning.

The 3-dimensional digital device at Carolina’s Dental Choice combines three different types of 3-D data with one X-ray unit! This will save our patients time and additional discomfort associated with traditional X-ray units. As with all procedures, we’ll work with you and determine if your dental insurance covers this technology.


*Radiological Society of North America, Inc.




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What Do White Gums Say About Oral Health?

2020-07-16T17:00:13+00:00May 29th, 2018|Dentist Office Monroe NC|

Our bodies are amazing machines that like to communicate with us when they are healthy or when there might be something wrong. That’s right, there are little tells happening all the time indicating our current levels of health. This information is likely nothing new, but at Carolina Dental Choice we think it’s important for you to recognize a not-so-common sign that your oral health may be in danger.


Paying close attention to your gums is incredibly important. We all know the necessity of flossing and brushing and making sure those gums are not receding, but what about when areas of the gums begin to turn white? What is your body trying to tell you when this happens? White spots on the gums are more common than not, but most people do not understand the possible dangers that could arise because of them. Let’s take a look at some of the probable causes of white gums.  


What White Gums Could Mean

Unfortunately, noticing a white coloration on your gums could mean a number of different things, and they all have varying levels of seriousness. That being said, as long as you catch it in time and know the possible reasons, you can get your oral health right back where it needs to be. Here are some possible reasons for white gums:


  • Leukoplakia: this is an oral disease where white or gray coloration appears on or around the gums. These light spots are created due to mucous membranes that are sensitive and quite painful. Think canker sores, only on your gums! Leukoplakia is often caused by long-term tobacco use, excessive alcohol use, poorly fitting dental appliances, mouth injury, or bodily maladies such as cancer and HIV. If you find painful, white sores on your gums, the best thing to do is see a dentist immediately. Whether it is leukoplakia or not, your gums should never be white.


  • Anemia: this is a tough one because it can produce in many different forms, making it difficult to identify. The best way to diagnose an anemia is to notice if the white coloration on your gums is paired with any of the following happenings:

-cold hands and feet

-constant fatigue

-chronic headaches

-spells of dizziness

-shortness of breath

-bodily weakness

-spells of irregular heartbeat

Another tell to anemia is sudden whiteness of skin beyond just the gums. Some common causes of anemia include vitamin B12 and iron deficiencies, Crohn’s disease, and celiac disease. This is definitely one you want to take care of right away. If you feel any of these symptoms could be true for you, make a dental appointment as soon as possible.


  • Mouth Ulcers: noticing white spots on your gums could indicate oncoming ulcers. This is much less serious than the previous causes of white gums, but these sores are no fun at all. If you feel the white spots on your gums could be connected to ulcers, it’s a good idea to begin washing your mouth out with salt water. This is a great way to keep them away and the inside of your mouth healthy. Some causes of mouth ulcers are sugary foods and drinks, as well as, tobacco use. There is no need to completely cut these out of your diet, but regulation is a must.


  • Gingivitis: this is a mild form of gum disease that is fairly common among American adults. If you notice your gums beginning to recede and turn white, gingivitis is most likely the culprit. A few other signs include swollen and bleeding gums, even painful irritation and loose teeth. The most common cause to gingivitis is poor oral care, so if you have fallen off the wagon a bit, it’s best to get right back into the routine of brushing and flossing regularly to keep from this uncomfortable situation.


  • Lichen Planus: this chronic autoimmune condition can inflame the gums and begin to turn them white in lacy patches. Symptoms to lichen planus are similar to gingivitis, but regular dental check-ups can keep this condition from inflammation.


  • Candidiasis: simply put, this is a yeast infection that causes creamy white sores on the gums. This type of infection is usually seen in babies and older adults, and is often brought on by diabetes. If you happen to fit any of these categories, it is important to maintain a strict teeth-and-gum cleaning schedule and keep up with your dental appointments. Two appointments a year is recommended, but in this case you might benefit more from three or four check-ups a year.


  • Oral Cancer: if you ever notice white bumps or growths on your gums, or if you suddenly find it difficult to chew or swallow, see a dentist right away. Most importantly, though, don’t panic. White growths or raised sections on the gums do not always equate to cancer, and even if they do, the faster you get them looked at the better your chances of having them safely removed.



How to Prevent White Gums

The good news is that you don’t have to just sit around and hope your gums don’t start turning white. There are a number of preventative measures to be taken that can keep your oral health at its peak. Here are a few we at Carolina Dental Choice recommend:


  • Begin by brushing correctly. The best way to keep white spots from appearing on your gums is to brush in small, circular motions. This will keep the toothbrush bristles from pushing your gums away from your teeth, which causes irritations that can lead to any of the conditions previously listed.


  • Floss every day: despite a completely false rumor floating around lately, flossing is incredibly important for your oral health. This keeps food from resting between your teeth, which begins to rot and aid in gum disease. Floss every morning or at night right before bed. Be sure not to jam the floss down on your gums. Use soft, clean motions, going back and forth. Hit every area between the teeth and rinse with water or mouthwash after.


  • Stop using tobacco: this can be a touchy subject, but using tobacco of any form greatly increases the odds of various gum diseases. Quitting smoking or chewing tobacco is much easier said than done, but if you are a user, at least try and reduce how much tobacco comes in contact with your mouth. Your gums will thank you!


  • Watch your diet: sugary drinks and foods, alcoholic beverages, even fatty meats can all have a negative effects on your gums. As stated earlier, you don’t necessarily have to cut these things out of your diet completely, but if you are the type of person who enjoys these on a regular basis, try and cut back a bit. At the very least, make sure you brush your teeth right after eating or drinking sugary or fatty substances.


The biggest thing to remember is not to panic. Have fun, enjoy good food and drink. Just be smart about it. Brush and floss regularly, and MOST IMPORTANT: come see us at Carolina Dental Choice. We have the capability to detect oral health issues, often before they become apparent even to you. We can then advise you on exactly what steps need to be taken to reduce and eventually eliminate any possible disease or irritations.

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Carolina’s Dental Choice – Same Quality, Great New Look

2020-07-16T17:24:03+00:00December 31st, 2016|Adam Brown DDS, Dentist Office Monroe NC|

With nearly 37 years of experience, Dr. Brown and his team of dentists, hygienists, and dental assistants want to bring you the highest quality dental services in Monroe. Since the establishment of Carolina’s Dental Choice, patients have found that professional dental services, no matter how intricate, can be stress free. That’s because at Carolina’s Dental Choice, we are changing the perception of dentistry one happy customer at a time.

Our New Look

To begin with, notice the structure of our building. Doesn’t look like a dental practice, does it? That’s because our office is housed in a…well, a house. We even have a porch! Our physical structure matches the overall goal of our practice: we want you to feel as though you are family. Inside, our friendly office is completely new. Freshly painted walls and trim. Beautiful wood floors. Soft lighting and light music to set the mood. Doesn’t sound like your typical dental practice, does it? That’s because we aren’t.

Compare this with what people normally expect at a dentist office  — a cold, uninviting waiting room. Stale conversation. Mysterious technology waiting to inflict pain. These are the perceptions most patients have of dental offices. And in order for Carolina’s Dental Choice to dispel such notions, we began with atmosphere. We have the expert technology to perfect your smile, great customer care, and an interesting, fun staff. But we want every aspect of your visit to be enjoyable. And that means we needed to update a few physical features to our practice.

What Sets Us Apart From Other Dental Practices

For starters, we care. Not that other practices don’t, we just care more. Not only does our family atmosphere immediately put you at ease, our variety of services offered, and the technology used, provide the highest quality of dental work you will find. When it comes to practices such as teeth whitening, preventative care, and restorative and cosmetic dentistry, we have the latest, newest technology to complete all services quickly, easily, and professionally. Here are just a few of the services we offer:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Implants
  • Periodontal treatments
  • Dentures
  • Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Sedation dentistry

One thing other dental practices do not want you to know about us is our ability to conduct high-level restorative dentistry. Why don’t they want you to know about this? Well, because restorative dentistry is an intricate procedure, often left for those few specialty dentists with steady hands and a vast knowledge of the practice. Luckily for us, Dr. Brown is one of these specialists.

What is restorative dentistry, exactly? It is any process by which extremely damaged teeth are repaired by adhering bone and tissue with metal and ceramic materials in order to make them whole again. Once the materials are adjoined to the teeth, they are sanded and smoothed to perfectly match the other healthy teeth. And, over time, you mouth begins to accept these new materials and strengthen them by growing new bone and tissue around the restored teeth. Needless to say, this process requires a steady and experienced hand. Lucky for us, we have multiple dentists who excel in this type of procedure.

In addition, all of Dr. Brown’s dentists practice directly under him. This means his vast experience and expert knowledge on modern dentistry are being carried on patient by patient. And, unlike most other dental practices, Carolina’s Dental Choice accepts Medicare, and our office is kid friendly.  

Our Wonderful Staff

Not only do all our dentists apprentice under Dr. Brown, our office staff does as well. Known for his expertise in performing difficult, intricate dental procedures, and his wonderful rapport with patients, provides a perfectly rounded practice. And, in order to establish Carolina’s Dental Choice, Dr. Brown needed to hire a staff that shares in his desire for perfection on all fronts of customer care. From our office manager and patient service operator, to our fellow dentists and assistants, all are trained and excited to offer you the highest quality dental experience you have ever had.

Don Brown & Saff

And if you speak to any of our wonderful patients, that is exactly what you will hear: our staff is wonderful. As a matter of fact, Monroe has come to consider Carolina’s Dental Choice as more of spa dentistry. This is because we offer it all. And we offer it to anyone.

Come Join Our Family!

So what are you waiting on? Stop forcing yourself into those other offices with their boring waiting rooms and lackluster staff. Become one of our respected and looked after family members by making an appointment with Carolina’s Dental Choice today. It’s easy. Just call us at 704-289-9519 or stop in and see us in person. We are located at 704 South Southerland Ave. in Monroe, NC. And we are open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 5:00, and Fridays from 7:00 to 1:00. We look forward to caring for you!

Andrae Bergeron,

CCP Web Design Staff Writer

Carolina’s Dental Choice Blogger

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