To Zyn or Not To Zyn: Addressing the Nicotine Pouch Craze

2024-09-06T00:43:29+00:00September 6th, 2024|Adam Brown DDS, Dental Trends, General, Preventative Dentistry, Tooth Sensitivity|

Dr. Brown takes an honest look at the effects of nicotine on the body, specifically one’s oral health.

To Zyn or Not To Zyn: Addressing the Nicotine Pouch Craze

Nicotine pouches, whether a Zyn, an On!, or a Rogue (to name a few common brands), have become incredibly popular lately. Individuals wanting to quit smoking, or even those simply looking for a mid-day jolt, find the small, seemingly innocuous pouches a pleasing substitute for coffee and/or cigarettes. But how safe are these oral pouches–is it a good idea to keep them wedged between the gums and lip for long periods of time? Though there is not a lot of research that has been done on this new phenomenon, we can take an honest look at the effects of nicotine on the body, specifically one’s oral health.

Nicotine pouches, those made by any of the three companies named above, as well as the plethora of other companies hopping on the bandwagon, are a tobacco-free product that is meant to be held between the user’s lip and gum area. Each pouch delivers nicotine to the body as it absorbs through the mucous membranes in the mouth, which then allows it to enter into the bloodstream. These pouches are a similar concept to the popular smokeless tobacco products, such as Snus.

Snus pouches have been popular for years as a substitute for smoking since they contain both nicotine and tobacco, however, straight nicotine pouches seem to be replacing products like Snus since Zyn, On!, etc. carry the same or similar effect but without the dangerous side effects caused by tobacco.

Nicotine pouches are made mostly of nicotine and water. Each pouch is approximately 80%-90% water and microcrystalline cellulose, which acts as the non-tobacco filler. Other ingredients include additives and flavorings, both at the acceptable food-grade standard. These include mint and coffee flavors, among others, and most nicotine pouch brands also contain artificial sweeteners rather than sugars, which helps prevent tooth decay. And, since there is no combustion or tobacco leaf included, nicotine pouches are viewed to be a likely substantially lower-risk product than tobacco smoking (as well as tobacco pouches and loose tobacco). This said, there is presently not enough evidence to evaluate the true oral effects of such a product, at least beyond the knowledge we already have of the addictive nature of nicotine.

Even though nicotine is highly addictive to most users, it has been used in oral forms for a long time. Nicotine lozenges, gums, and even mouth sprays have been used for over 40 years as a mechanism for smoking cessation. According to research published by the British Dental Journal, there has been no reported evidence that nicotine alone can increase oral disease (cancers, periodontal). What’s more, studies have shown that nicotine can have angiogenic effects on the body when ingested, meaning that it can grow new blood vessels, which is the direct opposite of what tobacco does. So, theoretically, ingesting nicotine could advance the body’s wound-healing capabilities. On the other hand, it could also encourage the growth of existing tumors within the body–though presently there is no hard evidence of this.

What we do know for sure is that despite its addictive nature, nicotine pouches are commonly viewed as a healthy substitute for smoking and chewing tobacco. The prolonged and regular use of pouches like Zyns may give an increased risk of oral health problems, but at this time further research is needed to provide hard evidence of such.

Receding Gums

Aside from the chemical effects of using nicotine pouches, what about the mere presence of a foreign substance in your mouth, resting between the teeth and gums, this can’t be good for your gums, right? Most nicotine pouch brands suggest keeping the pouch in your mouth for up to an hour, which can cause the gums to start receding, allowing for the possibility of all sorts of oral health issues. Gum disease can come in many forms, but most often it shows as gingivitis or (the more serious of the two) periodontal disease. Both can have serious side effects and can happen to anyone. Luckily, gum disease is preventable, and if you enjoy using nicotine pouches regularly, or even every now and again, knowing the differences between gingivitis and periodontal disease, paired with how to avoid them, will help you to maintain proper oral health.

The prolonged and regular use of pouches like Zyns may give an increased risk of oral health problems

To begin, it’s crucial to know what gum disease looks like. The typical signs of gingivitis are irritated, red gums that tend to bleed easily (even with the use of a soft-bristled toothbrush). Though gingivitis is a milder form of the disease, if it is not treated properly it can lead to a more mature form of gum disease—periodontitis—which is flagged by inflammation and deep infection that eats away at the gums and teeth (the ligaments, sockets and all), so definitely something to consider.

The positive news is that both types of gum disease are treatable, even preventable when proper hygienic procedures are regularly performed. If you are experiencing sensitive and/or inflamed gums, especially if you are using nicotine pouches, your best bet is to come in for an examination right away. At Adam Brown, DDS we can accurately evaluate the health level of your gums by taking measurements, even x-rays of the jaw if needed. Once we make an assessment, we then begin to develop a plan for treating and eliminating the problem areas. During an examination, your dental professional will evaluate the health of your gums and measure any pockets that may have formed around your teeth. He may also order x-rays to determine the health of your jaw. From there, he will develop a treatment plan and recommend prevention methods, and he may advise you to stop using the pouches for a while to see if they were a part of the problem. 

Treatment methods for gum disease depend upon how far the condition has progressed. While this first stage of gum disease usually gets better or reverses after a professional cleaning, proper oral hygiene must be continued at home, or the condition can easily and quickly return. So be prepared to pause–or completely eliminate–your usage of nicotine pouches.

When caught early, gum disease can usually be treated before tooth loss occurs. But, even better than catching it early, is to prevent it altogether. Good and consistent at-home oral care (brushing and flossing) and regular dental checkups and cleanings can go a long way to help keep your gums healthy and disease-free. And, if you are using the pouches, pay close attention to your oral health: are sores all of a sudden showing up in your mouth? Are your teeth and gums more sensitive than they usually are? These could be quick signs that maybe you should choose not to Zyn for the sake of your health.

For now, since we have so little evidence of the effects of nicotine pouches, we advise proceeding with caution, and if you begin to have any sign of negative changes within your mouth to stop completely.

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Gingivitis vs. Periodontal Disease: What’s the Difference?

2022-10-19T12:19:53+00:00October 19th, 2022|Oral Health, Preventative Dentistry|


Gum disease can come in many forms, but most often it shows as gingivitis or — the more serious of the two — periodontal disease. Both can have serious side effects and happen to anyone; the good news is that gum disease is preventable. Knowing the differences between gingivitis and periodontal disease, paired with how to avoid them, will help you to maintain proper oral health.


Gingivitis and Periodontitis

To begin, it’s crucial to know the signs of gum disease. The typical signs of gingivitis are irritated, red gums that tend to bleed easily (even with the use of a soft-bristled toothbrush). Though gingivitis is a milder form of disease, if it isn’t treated correctly, it can lead to a more mature form of gum disease, periodontitis, which is flagged by inflammation and deep infection that eats away at the gums and teeth (the ligaments, sockets and all!).

The positive news is that both types of gum disease are treatable, even preventable, when you maintain proper hygienic procedures. If you’re experiencing sensitive and/or inflamed gums, your best bet is to come in for an examination right away. At Adam Brown DDS, we can accurately evaluate the health of your gums by taking measurements and x-rays of the jaw if needed. Once we make an assessment, we’ll develop a plan for treating and eliminating the disease through specific preventative methods.

Symptoms of PeriodontitisSigns of Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease

Unfortunately, noticing a white coloration on the gums or tongue, inflammation of the gums, light aches and pains inside the mouth, even chronic bad breath could mean a number of different things — and they all have varying levels of seriousness. That being said, as long as you catch the onset of gum disease in time and know the possible reasons, you can get your oral health right back where it needs to be. Here are a couple of specific gum diseases and their warning signs:


This is a mild form of gum disease that is fairly common among American adults. If you notice your gums beginning to recede and turn white, gingivitis is most likely the culprit. A few other signs include swollen and bleeding gums, even painful irritation and loose teeth. The most common cause to gingivitis is poor oral care, so if you have fallen off the wagon a bit, it’s best to get right back into the routine of brushing and flossing regularly to avoid this uncomfortable situation.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a more advanced gum disease that can quickly turn to periodontitis if untreated. Common symptoms if periodontal disease include:

  • Gums that bleed when you brush your teeth or floss
  • Bad breath
  • Changes in the position of your teeth or loose teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Red, tender, or swollen gums
  • Buildup of plaque or tartar on your teeth
  • Pain when chewing
  • Tooth loss
  • Foul taste in your mouth
  • Inflammatory response throughout your body

Symptoms in the early stages of periodontal disease (and periodontitis) are often not very noticeable. Your dentist will likely be the first to point them out.

How To Treat Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease? 

As you can guess, the level of treatment depends solely on the level of progress the disease has made inside your mouth. Once properly cleaned by a professional and oral hygiene is maintained at home, early stages of either type of disease (gingivitis/periodontitis) begin to reverse and return to a healthy state immediately. However, if the gum disease has progressed, teeth may have to be removed and replaced.

When caught early, gum disease can usually be treated before tooth loss occurs. But preventing it altogether is even better than catching it early. Good and consistent at-home oral care (brushing and flossing) and regular dental checkups and cleanings can go a long way in keeping your gums healthy and disease-free. Some tips include:

1. Be Sure To Floss

Nasty rumors recently spread that flossing is bad for your teeth and gums. But any dentist will tell you this is simply not true, though flossing excessively can cause the gums to recede.

The key, and an important one at that, is to floss twice daily. Once in the morning and again at night. And the process should be as follows: rinse with mouthwash, floss, brush, and rinse again with water. Doing this twice a day will drastically help rid your mouth of unwanted residue from juicing or eating. How dare anyone say such a thing as flossing has unwarranted health benefits! It’s simply one of the most beneficial things you can do for your gums and teeth.

2. Get the Right Toothpaste

Many people like to rush right to whitening toothpastes. It makes sense, who doesn’t want white teeth? But when juicing, the acid that comes into contact with your teeth (and no matter what you do, there will be a least a tiny bit that does) makes them softer and more sensitive. Combines with the harsh chemicals in whitening toothpaste, this can cause a lot of discomfort.

It’s better to use toothpaste specifically made for sensitive teeth because it will clean the teeth well without hurting them. And, honestly, brushing twice a day will do well at keeping your teeth white. If you feel you need something more, there are plenty of products out there that do not hurt the teeth, even sensitive strips and mouthwashes that can advance your whitening.

3. Avoid Over-Brushing

Never thought you could brush too much, did you? Well, you can. Too much brushing can actually help the acid erode the enamel off your teeth. As previously said, juicing can leave your teeth extra sensitive. To go and brush excessively after that can cause some problems.

Try to stick to the twice-a-day standard, and use a soft or medium bristle when you brush. Brush lightly, and use a mechanical toothbrush if possible. These are made to get to those hard-to-reach places and they put the perfect amount of pressure on your teeth and gums. And nowadays, you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to get one. There are plenty of reasonably priced electric toothbrushes out there; you just have to do a bit of research.

4. Chew Gum

Makes sense if you think about it. Chewing gum can break free those little seeds or bits of unblended food from your teeth. Just make sure you only chew sugarless gum. Otherwise, you will add to the harmful agents in your mouth. And it’s not a good idea to constantly chew gum. A few times a day, after meals is fine, but overdoing it can cause discomfort to sensitive teeth.

5. Use Mouthwash Regularly

Just like flossing and brushing, the twice-a-day rule is all you need with mouthwash. Use water if you feel the need to rinse more than that. But once in the morning, then again at night, can do wonders to clean the mouth. Mouthwash also helps keep your teeth white and your breath fresh.

6. Visit Your Dentist Twice a Year

This is one of the most important things to do. One visit to the dentist every six months is the perfect way to gauge how well your teeth are handling the juicing. A dentist can tell you if your teeth are becoming too sensitive or stained and advise you on what to do. It’s also good because you get a professional cleaning where someone is meticulously searching your mouth for cavities, bits of food, or anything else. Keep in mind that it doesn’t matter if you brush or floss first, as long as you consistently do a thorough job of both.

7. Drink Through Straws Whenever Possible

When drinking your favorite blended healthy concoction, it’s possible to keep most of the liquid from having too much contact with your teeth. This is especially true with thicker drinks. By using a straw, you can keep even more liquid from hitting your teeth.

It’s a good idea to have many different types of straws around, including a wide straw for thick juices, narrow or regular sized for normal densities, and a bendy straw just because they’re fun. Just stay away from those trendy metal straws because they can chip your teeth. Basically, any way of transferring your juice directly from the cup to your throat without touching anything (besides the straw) helps. Just be careful; using a straw makes drinking a lot of liquid much easier. You don’t want to overdo it on the juicing!

8. Always Have a Water Chaser

The more time acidic liquids have to rest in-between and on the teeth, the better the chances of stains and erosion. And you know what that means: more trips to the dentist and quite possibly some intensive dental work to be done.

So, even if you use a straw, consider keeping a glass of crisp and clean water to drink from between each gulp of juice you take. This makes those acidic bits even more difficult to stick around and manages to rinse any residue left behind that would stain the teeth. Plus, water will fill you up more, an added bonus for people who want to lose weight.


If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of gum disease, it’s essential to schedule an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. Gum disease can be treated and prevented if caught early, so don’t wait until your gums start bleeding or your teeth start hurting. Adam Brown DDS is here to help you get your smile back on track — contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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