A Family Affair: How To Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy Over the Summer

2024-05-30T22:28:01+00:00May 30th, 2024|Adam Brown DDS, Oral Health, Tooth Infection, Toothbrush Hygiene|

Summer is a fantastic time for families to boost their dental health, keeping those smiles bright and happy for all the fun in the sun. With all the outdoor activities and tasty treats, we can’t forget to stick to habits that keep our teeth in tip-top shape! Below, Adam Brown, DDS shares practical dental health tips for kids and parents to follow during the summer. We also dive into some tasty herb alternatives to salt that can help keep your meals flavorful and your teeth healthy.

Best Practices for Family Dental Care: Brush twice daily, floss regularly, and moderate intake of sugary snacks and drinks.

  1. Maintaining a Consistent Brushing Schedule

One of the most essential aspects of oral health is consistency. Brushing routines tend to become irregular with school schedules disrupted. Encourage your children to brush their teeth twice a day—once in the morning and once before bedtime. Setting reminders or alarms at the same times each day can help establish the routine.

  1. Making Brushing Fun

Brushing teeth can seem like a chore to young kids. As a parent, you can turn it into a fun activity. Colorful toothbrushes, flavored toothpaste, and brushing songs can make the experience more appealing. There are lots of apps and videos designed to teach proper techniques via entertaining methods. Letting children pick their toothbrushes and toothpaste can also give them a sense of control and make them more excited about brushing.

  1. Proper Brushing Techniques

Brushing should be fun, but it’s equally important that your kids brush correctly. Here are a few easy tips for teaching your young ones proper brushing habits:

  • Use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste for children under six.
  • Encourage your kids to brush for at least two minutes; use a timer or a two-minute song to help them keep track of time.
  • Teach them to brush gently in circular motions to effectively clean all surfaces of their teeth without damaging their gums.
  • Make sure they brush their tongues to remove bacteria and freshen their breath.
  • Supervise and assist younger children with brushing to ensure they cover all areas and don’t miss any spots.
  1. Flossing is Essential Too

Flossing is often overlooked but is crucial for removing food particles and plaque between teeth where a toothbrush can’t reach. Start flossing your children’s teeth as soon as they have two teeth that touch. Kids can learn to floss independently as they older. You can use floss picks or interdental brushes if traditional floss is too challenging for your children.

  1. Healthy Eating Habits

Summer often means ice creams, candies, and sugary drinks. While it’s okay to enjoy these treats in moderation, remember to encourage a balanced diet to maintain oral health. Sugary and acidic foods and drinks can lead to tooth decay, so offer fruits, vegetables, cheese, nuts, and other healthy snacks. Drinking water after consuming sugary treats can help wash away sugar and reduce the risk of cavities.

  1. Regular Dental Check-Ups

Summer is a marvelous time to schedule regular dental check-ups since children are out of school. Regular visits to the dentist are vital for maintaining oral health, detecting any issues early, and receiving professional cleanings. Make it a positive experience by discussing what will happen during the visit and addressing your child’s fears or anxieties. Book your appointment with Adam Brown, DDS today!

  1. Using Fluoride for Extra Protection

Fluoride is a mineral that strengthens tooth enamel and helps prevent cavities. Make sure your child’s toothpaste contains fluoride. Your dentist might recommend fluoride treatments during routine visits for added protection.

  1. Leading by Example

Kids often imitate their parents, and you can set a positive example for your children by maintaining good oral hygiene practices yourself. Brush and floss together as a family, and make it a part of your daily routine. Doing so can reinforce the habit while providing an opportunity to guide and monitor your children’s brushing.

  1. Staying Hydrated

Encourage your children to drink plenty of water, especially during hot summer days. Not only does water help rinse away food particles and bacteria, but staying hydrated is essential for overall health. Getting your kids fun-looking water bottles can do the trick!

  1. Being Prepared for Dental Emergencies

More outdoor activities and sports equals an increased risk of dental injuries. Be prepared by knowing what to do in case of a dental emergency. Keep your dentist’s contact information handy and have a dental first-aid kit ready with gauze, a small container with a lid, and an ice pack.

Maintaining oral health over the summer requires a consistent and proactive approach. You can keep your kids’ teeth healthy and strong by establishing and adhering to regular brushing and flossing routines, encouraging healthy eating habits, and scheduling regular dental visits. Making oral hygiene fun and educational will benefit your children’s immediate dental health while instilling lifelong healthy habits. Don’t forget to keep those smiles sparkling as you enjoy those summer activities together!

Keeping Up With Oral Care as a Parent

Maintaining your own dental care routine as a busy parent juggling work, housekeeping, and family time can be challenging but is essential for your overall health and well-being. The key is to integrate dental hygiene seamlessly into your daily schedule.

Start by establishing a consistent routine. Brush your teeth twice daily, ideally once in the morning and before bed. Make this a non-negotiable part of your day (like showering or preparing meals). Using an electric toothbrush can save time and ensure a thorough clean, which is especially handy when rushing through your morning routine to get the kids ready for school and yourself off to work.

Flossing for the Win

Flossing often gets overlooked due to time constraints, but it’s crucial for preventing gum disease and cavities. One way to incorporate flossing is by doing it during another routine activity.

For instance, keep floss picks in a convenient location like your car, desk drawer, or beside your TV remote, and use them while watching your favorite show, waiting in traffic, or during a conference call that doesn’t require your full attention. Multitasking can keep you from skipping this important step without adding extra time to your day.

Eating the Right Foods

Diet also plays a significant role in dental health; being mindful of what you consume is another way to maintain your dental routine. As you prepare meals for your family, focus on including tooth-friendly foods such as crunchy vegetables, cheese, and yogurt, which help clean teeth and provide essential nutrients for oral health.

Avoid frequent snacking, especially on sugary or acidic foods, which can increase the risk of cavities. Opt for water over sugary drinks to keep your mouth hydrated and wash away food particles.

Going to Checkups

Regular dental check-ups are also crucial, but finding the time can be difficult. Schedule appointments well in advance and coordinate them with your children’s visits to minimize disruptions to your routine. Some dental offices offer evening or weekend hours, which can be a lifesaver for busy parents. Consider combining errands to maximize your time out of the house.

More Herbs, Less Salt: Enhance Your Oral Health Naturally

In recent years, there has been a growing movement toward natural health remedies. It emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and incorporating herbs over excessive salt use. This shift benefits general health and can significantly affect your family’s oral health.

The Impact of Salt on Teeth and Health

Salt, or sodium chloride, is common in many diets worldwide. While it’s essential for various bodily functions, excessive salt intake can harm overall health and oral health.

Regarding general health, high salt intake is closely linked to increased blood pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Excessive salt can also strain the kidneys, potentially leading to kidney disease. Further, a high-salt diet can cause the body to excrete more calcium, weakening bones over time and potentially leading to osteoporosis.

Here are a few other things high salt intake can lead to:

  • Dehydration, resulting in dry mouth. Since saliva is crucial for neutralizing acids produced by bacteria in the mouth, a lack of it can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Eroded tooth enamel over time when accompanied by acidic foods or drinks.
  • An altered balance of oral microbiota, which promotes the growth of harmful bacteria that cause dental caries and periodontal disease.

Benefits of Herbs for Oral Health

Herbs have been used for centuries for medicinal properties, and many possess qualities promoting oral health. Unlike salt, herbs don’t contribute to the health issues mentioned above and can actually enhance oral hygiene.

  • Antibacterial Properties: Many herbs contain natural antibacterial agents. For example, thyme and oregano are rich in thymol and carvacrol, respectively, which can reduce harmful oral bacteria. Neem, widely used in traditional Indian medicine, has strong antibacterial properties that help fight plaque and reduce gum inflammation.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Herbs like chamomile and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe gum tissues and reduce swelling. Turmeric is known for its active compound curcumin, which effectively reduces gingivitis and periodontitis symptoms.
  • Antioxidant Benefits: Green tea and rosemary are high in antioxidants, which help protect gum tissues from damage by free radicals. Basil contains eugenol, an antioxidant that can also help reduce inflammation and pain in the gums.
  • Promoting Saliva Production: Herbs such as parsley and cilantro can stimulate saliva production, aiding in the mouth’s natural cleansing and preventing dry mouth.

Best Herb Alternatives to Salt and Sugar

Incorporating herbs as alternatives to salt and sugar does wonders for flavor and promotes better health outcomes. Here are seven of the best herbs to consider for your family’s meals this summer:

  1. Basil

Flavor Profile: Sweet and slightly peppery

Health Benefits: Contains antioxidants and antibacterial properties, making it excellent for oral health. Basil also helps with digestion and can mitigate stress.

  1. Oregano

Flavor Profile: Strong and slightly bitter

Health Benefits: Rich in antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds. It aids in fighting bacteria and reducing inflammation in the mouth.

  1. Thyme

Flavor Profile: Earthy and slightly minty

Health Benefits: Contains thymol, a powerful antiseptic often used in mouthwashes and toothpaste. It helps in maintaining oral hygiene and preventing bad breath.

  1. Mint

Flavor Profile: Cool and refreshing

Health Benefits: Mint leaves are excellent for freshening breath and have antibacterial properties that keep oral bacteria at bay. It also stimulates saliva production.

  1. Cinnamon

Flavor Profile: Sweet and spicy

Health Benefits: Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde, which has antifungal and antibacterial properties. It can help reduce bacteria in the mouth while preventing dental decay and bad breath.

  1. Parsley

Flavor Profile: Fresh and slightly peppery

Health Benefits: Known for its ability to neutralize bad breath, parsley also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

  1. Sage

Flavor Profile: Earthy and slightly peppery

Health Benefits: Sage has antimicrobial properties and is used to combat gum disease. It can also soothe oral mucous membranes and reduce inflammation.

Maintaining your family’s oral health over the summer is quite straightforward when you build good habits. Make sure everyone brushes twice daily, flosses regularly, and moderates their intake of sugary snacks and drinks. Also, consider making small yet impactful changes in your family’s diet, such as substituting salt with fresh herbs. Get ready to enjoy a summer filled with healthy, happy smiles—and reach out to Adam Brown, DDS

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A Crash Course on Electric Toothbrushes

2023-12-31T17:00:27+00:00December 31st, 2023|Teeth Cleaning, Toothbrush Hygiene|

Electric toothbrushes have become increasingly common as of late. Americans are becoming more aware of hygiene do’s and don’ts, leading to more families than ever investing in new, more innovative ways to keep their oral health in the best shape possible.

Electric toothbrush use is on the rise partially because of their near-unanimous approval. Nearly every study and dentist's office out there recommends electric toothbrushes over manual toothbrushes.

Anyone who goes to their local grocery or drug store will see hundreds of toothbrushes available for purchase, many of which are also electric. But you need to know what makes a good toothbrush effective to ensure you’re investing in the right product!

Adam Brown DDS is here to give you a crash course on electric toothbrushes so you can start to improve and maintain your dental health at home. That said, even the best toothbrush won’t make up for regular appointments if you’ve been out of a dentist’s office for some time. Read on and consider scheduling a checkup with Adam Brown DDS for better dental health.

Why Electric?

 Electric toothbrush use is on the rise partially because of their near-unanimous approval. Nearly every study and dentist’s office out there recommends electric toothbrushes over manual toothbrushes. But why? Manual toothbrushes have been around for a long time, dating back to 3000 B.C., fundamentally always staying true to their form and function. Just how can a relatively new advancement top that in every way?

Part of it is tied to our limitations. Electric toothbrushes can make up hundreds, if not thousands, of brush strokes in seconds, while a manual toothbrush can only go as fast as our hands. The boost in efficiency translates to healthier gums, reduced tooth decay, and contributes to overall increased tooth longevity. Electric toothbrushes also have built-in timers, meaning you’re more likely to brush the recommended length of time.

Finally, many have heard that you can damage your enamel and gums if you brush too hard or in a harmful pattern when using a manual toothbrush. Electric brushes serve as a guardrail to these problems and reduce the chances of user-influenced damage.

An Introduction to the Terminology

 When shopping for electric toothbrushes, you’ll find yourself looking at a lot of marketing lingo. Words like “sonic” and “rotating” are used to distinguish between specific electric toothbrushes. Here’s the gist of the differences:

Sonic Toothbrushes: Have vibrating brush heads that move side to side. To be sold as a sonic toothbrush, the vibration has to be fast enough to produce a noticeable hum sound. Many sonic toothbrushes offer impressive feats, such as 50,000 movements a minute!

Rotating Toothbrushes: Rotating brushes are very similar; they move using the power of an electric toothbrush but go much slower. Actions range from 2,500 to 7,500 strokes/movements per minute. Later, we’ll talk about the potential for electric toothbrushes to cause damage, so those with sensitivity may want to opt for a rotating toothbrush instead of a sonic.

Both brushes offer much more action than a manual, with many manual brushes coming in at around 300 movements a minute.

The Sustainable Option

One of the biggest positives with electric toothbrushes is reduced environmental impact. The American Dental Foundation recommends replacing toothbrushes every three to four months. This is great for your oral health, but it translates to a lot of toothbrushes being thrown away.

 “There are 1 billion toothbrushes thrown away in the US annually. That’s 50 million pounds of waste. With 3.5 billion toothbrushes sold annually worldwide, that’s hundreds of millions of pounds of waste coming from our commitment to keeping our mouths clean and healthy.” – Stephen Bay, Earthup

Electric toothbrushes offer an alternative that doesn’t impact your teeth negatively. Most electric toothbrushes offer re-charging capabilities and replaceable heads. Keep your bristles fresh and within ADF standards, but keep the plastic out of the landfills! You can read more about sustainable dentistry and personal dental habits on Adam Brown DDS’s news page here.

Comparing Electric Toothbrush Brands

As we said earlier, you’ve got options with electric toothbrushes. Can those grocery store-brand electric toothbrushes stack up against more expensive competitors? Or how about the two major brands in the electric toothbrush game — Sonicare and Oral-B? Which provides a cleaner brush?

When looking at those grocery store models, look for FDA seals that indicate the brush is considered adequate and beneficial to your overall health. If the seal is on there, there’s a good chance the brush isn’t a bad purchase. Most electric toothbrushes provide the increased brushstrokes and correcting nature of an electric brush. But certain brushes offer improved bristles or spinning technology that go beyond their generic counterparts.

You’ll find some of these innovations in Sonicare and Oral-B brushes — the two companies that have contributed most to the growth of electric toothbrushes. Oral-B brushes tend to be the more affordable of the two, so those who are comfortable skipping on the bells and whistles will find themselves impressed with Oral-B’s options. Alternatively, Sonicare designs look more futuristic and offer a sleekness that warrants the extra cost for some people. These products provide color and design options to make your brush feel personalized and possibly even cool!

Notably, the two brands offer distinguishable brush heads. With Oral-B brushes, you’ll find a circular brush face that oscillates when turned on. Sonicare brushes are more elongated, with rows of bristles that look like a callback to fancier manual brushes. These brushes move side to side when activated, instead of oscillating like Oral-B brushes.

Overall, the two brands do electric brushing a bit differently. And, brush patterns aside, they result in a very similar clean. You might gravitate to Oral-B if you want to get the job done and grab an affordable brush. If you wish to feel like you’ve bought a brush from the future, you may opt for Sonicare’s impressive models. Keep in mind that you’ll be in for better dental health as long as you make the jump from manual toothbrushes!

The Downsides

 Nothing in this world is perfect, and electric toothbrushes have some drawbacks in spite of their near-unanimous support from the dental community. Perhaps most evident is that electric toothbrushes cost far more than their manual counterparts, creating a potential barrier for those unwilling or unable to spend the extra money. Even after the initial purchase, head replacements are comparable in cost to regular manual toothbrushes, which can also be a problem.

Electric toothbrushes are also much louder than manual brushes, and that can be a dealbreaker for some families. Those who have partners or kids who are light sleepers may not want to risk waking them in exchange for a more effective brush.

Lastly, electric toothbrushes can cause damage to oral tissue. If misused, it won’t be a huge asset. Manual toothbrushes have the same problem, but when you use too much force with a powerful electric toothbrush, you could do more damage than if you were using a manual. This could be a specific concern for those with tender or already damaged gums.

Adam Brown DDS – A Dentist Ready to Help

 Like an electric toothbrush, a dentist is there to help you achieve your dental and oral health goals. Adam Brown DDS is the right dentist for the job — a winner for your oral health as clear as ditching a manual toothbrush for an electric one!

Hundreds of happy customers have nothing but positive experiences and improved smiles to report after seeing Adam Brown. Take a look at the before-and-after gallery for evidence!

Remember that the best brushing habits alone won’t guarantee perfect dental health. Regular checkups with a qualified professional are vital to staying healthy. So, while you’re shopping online for the electric toothbrush that will claim a place on your bathroom sink, reach out to Adam Brown DDS and schedule an appointment!

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New Year, New Brush! Simple Dental Health Resolutions for 2022

2022-01-17T16:46:13+00:00January 14th, 2022|Toothbrush Hygiene|

Best Toothbrush Advice

It’s a new year, and what better resolution than to up your dental health game? If you practice proper dental hygiene, you’re likely used to brushing twice a day for two minutes and flossing once a day. But when was the last time you changed your toothbrush? 

If it has been longer than three months, it’s time to replace it. If you can’t remember the last time you had a new brush, then you might want to stop what you’re doing and head to the nearest store this instant!

Brushing is key to basic dental hygiene, but if you’re using an old brush with accumulated bacteria, it can lead to a range of problems. Below, Adam Brown DDS gives you some essential toothbrush guidance to kick off 2022!


How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?     

There can be a few different reasons for changing out your toothbrush, but dental experts generally recommend replacing it at least every three months. That includes both traditional toothbrushes and electric brush heads. Other ways to think about it are four times a year or one brush per season. Many people get one toothbrush for winter, spring, summer, and fall, making it easier to remember to replace their brush every three months. 

It’s essential to replace your toothbrush anytime you notice the bristles fraying. A toothbrush consists of more than a simple scrub brush. Look at the head closely, and you will see little groups of bristles that vary in size, length, and color. Each manual and electric toothbrush head is designed to clean specific areas of your mouth. 

Your toothbrush’s lifespan will factor in that you are brushing twice a day for two minutes. Each time you brush your teeth, it wears down the brush head, and the friction eventually impacts how well your toothbrush cleans your mouth. Along with the accumulation of bacteria, this wear and tear are why most people should throw out their toothbrushes after three months.

However, that is just a general guideline; each individual will have unique needs. It comes down to your specific brushing habits. For example, if you brush after every meal, you can expect your brush head to wear down quicker than someone who only brushes twice a day. 

Your brush head can also wear out faster if you brush harder than average or if your teeth are crooked. These days, most electric toothbrush heads have indicators to show how much wear has occurred and when to replace your brush head, and some manual toothbrushes also have this feature. If you use an electric toothbrush, check with the manufacturer to see if they offer a subscription service, which would mean you get brush heads sent to your home every few months. 


What If It Hasn’t Been 3 Months?      

Ideally, you will change your toothbrush at least every three months, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t replace it sooner. As mentioned above, several factors can require you to get a new toothbrush more often than the general recommendation. Here are some signs to look out for that indicate you should throw out your toothbrush:

The Bristles Are Splayed

Look at your toothbrush, particularly the bristles. Are they splayed out in different directions? Does the toothbrush look flattened, as if you use it as a housecleaning tool? If so, you might be brushing your teeth harder than you should, and the extra force is causing the bristles to splay out all over the place. 

Yes, you should throw that toothbrush out, but you may also want to evaluate how hard you are brushing because it could damage your teeth and gums.

If the bristles on your toothbrush are splayed out, they will not be able to clean your teeth and gums effectively.

Using less pressure and lightning your grip can help. The key is to allow the bristles to do the work for you 

Brushing too hard can cause gum recession, damaged enamel, and other issues. Be mindful of brushing with the appropriate pressure, and see if your toothbrush lasts for three months this time around!


Wear and Tear on Your Brush Head

How to Know When to Replace your Toothbrush

Each time you use it, assess your brush head so you can see when it starts to deteriorate. Keep a close eye on the bristles; if they are not tough and springy, it is probably time to get a new brush head. The bristles should be soft but resilient enough to take care of plaque and food particles. 

Also, the strands on your brush head should bounce back after each brushing session. If the bristles are not stiff and straight after you brush, you should replace them as soon as possible. 

Another thing to look for is cleanliness. Neglecting to rinse your toothbrush after each session can result in toothpaste residue building up at the handle or base of the bristles. Consequently, the gunk can attract bacteria and potentially cause sickness. In other words, change out your toothbrush the moment it doesn’t look fresh. 


You’ve Been Sick 

Any time you have been ill, throw your toothbrush out immediately. The germs on your toothbrush will stick around and can re-infect you even as you recover. This is especially a problem if antibiotics are required to remedy your illness.

Most doctors that you recommend replace your toothbrush after one or two days after beginning your prescription.

Though it might be easy enough when using a manual brush, it can be more painful to toss an almost-new electric toothbrush head! Nonetheless, get rid of it because it is not worth getting sick all over again.


Why Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly?      

Each toothbrush is designed to effectively clean your teeth and gums so that you maintain good dental and overall health. Even the cheaper manual brushes have specially-designed bristles to reach specific areas of your teeth and gums. If the bristles are worn out or dirty, the toothbrush cannot do its job. It’s critical to replace your manual toothbrush or electric brush head when you notice wear and tear or the brush getting gunky.  

Germs are another big reason for replacing your toothbrush regularly. After all, the entire purpose of brushing your teeth is to eliminate the food particles and bacteria that cause plaque and tartar. 

Your toothpaste traps some of your oral bacteria, which you rinse out of your mouth during each brushing session. However, some of the bacteria stick to your toothbrush head and can accumulate over three months.

Also, the slightest wear on a brush head will prevent the bristles from doing their job. This is especially true for electric toothbrushes since the strands are more engineered and shorter. If you continue to brush with worn bristles that cannot properly clean your teeth, it can lead to plaque buildup and eventually gum disease. 

Furthermore, if your bristles are frayed, it can damage the gum tissue and lead to sore gums and bleeding. And, of course, failing to replace your toothbrush can make you sick. Rather than expose yourself to the buildup of bacteria, mold, and fungus, just get a new brush!


Remembering to Replace Your Toothbrush Head      

So, you’re convinced to replace your toothbrushes or brush heads regularly. But if you are like many other people, you might have a hard time remembering to make the change. Fortunately, you can do a few things to stay on top of your replacements. 

For instance, you can write a reminder on a paper calendar or use an automatic reminder on your smartphone. That way, no matter what you are doing on any given day, you will have a visual reminder that it’s time to throw away your toothbrush or snap on a new brush head. 

Also, consider using color-changing brush heads. Many electric toothbrushes (and some manual toothbrushes) feature bristles that change colors when it is time for a replacement. This is perhaps the easiest way to remember when to change your toothbrush or brush head!

Another strategy is to buy it in bulk. If you prefer manual toothbrushes, you can find packs of three or more toothbrushes in almost every major retailer or pharmacy. Similarly, you can stock up on brush head refills to keep in your home. Then, you will always have a replacement when the time comes. Just don’t store your extra brush heads or toothbrushes somewhere you will forget; not being able to find your replacement can lead to frustration and procrastination!

Moreover, if you use an electric toothbrush, see if your manufacturer provides a brush head replacement plan. This type of subscription will keep replacements coming to your door when you need them most and remind you it’s time to change them.


How to Clean Your Toothbrush in the Meantime 

You know to change out your toothbrush regularly, but how can you keep it clean in the meantime? After all, you don’t let your bath towel or sweatshirt go unwashed for three months, so why should you do that with your toothbrush? If you want to take your dental health to the next level, consider creating a weekly routine for cleaning your toothbrush. 


Run Your Toothbrush Through the Dishwasher    

Yes, it’s OK to put your toothbrush in the dishwasher! Place your brush in your dishwasher’s utensil container and run it through a cycle with your dishes. In most cases, the water temperature in a regular cycle will not damage the plastic on your brush, but if you are worried about it, you might want to lower the temperature. That way, you can ensure that your toothbrush won’t warp or melt.


Put It in Boiling Water

You may not want to do this every week because boiling water can damage plastic over time. But it can also do an excellent job eliminating bacteria buildup. All you have to do is boil water in a small pot and hold your toothbrush head in the water for about three minutes. Once you sterilize the toothbrush, rinse it under cold water and wait a few minutes before using it.


Use a UV Sanitizer 

UV sanitizers can be pretty expensive, but they are highly effective at killing bacteria. Quality sanitizers can eliminate millions of bacteria in a few minutes, keeping your brush clean and your stress levels low. UV sanitation is so reliable and effective that medical facilities use it to kill germs. And there are quite a few excellent in-home sanitizers available. 


Clean It With Mouthwash

One of the easiest ways to clean your toothbrush or brush head is to pour antibacterial mouthwash or rubbing alcohol into a small cup and soak the brush head for a few minutes. You can complete this process before or after brushing. 

Along with keeping the bacteria at bay, using mouthwash on your toothbrush will keep it smelling fresh! However, one thing to remember is never to use your toothbrush until you have rinsed away the mouthwash or alcohol.


Store It Properly    

It may not be the first thing you consider when you think of your dental health, but where you store your toothbrush matters. Rather than keeping it near the toilet or in an enclosed space like a cupboard or medicine cabinet, place your toothbrush upright in a holder or cup in the open air so that water can drip away while you are not using it. Your brush needs to dry as it will help reduce bacteria buildup. 

Another tip is to use a lid for your brush head, as it can help the bacteria from accumulating on the bristles. Moreover, don’t store your toothbrush with anyone else’s because cross-contamination can occur. And if you use a toothbrush lid, holder, or cup, be sure to clean them regularly to prevent bacteria buildup on those pieces too.



The beginning of a new year is ideal for taking your dental health routine to the next level! And one of the most practical ways you can do that is to make sure you replace your toothbrush or brush head every three months

If you need help remembering to change your brush out, consider setting reminders, subscribing to a service that will send brush head replacements, or buying in bulk. Also, create a cleaning routine so that your toothbrushes stay fresh. And, of course, don’t hesitate to contact Adam Brown DDS if you need to book an appointment!

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The Germs on Your Toothbrush (and How to Brush More Effectively)

2021-04-13T18:01:00+00:00April 13th, 2021|Toothbrush Hygiene|

Hidden Germs on Your Toothbrush

Brushing your teeth is the most essential practice of an oral health routine. Most of us know this because we are taught at a young age to brush twice a day. But besides the act of brushing itself, there are other factors involved in a proper brushing routine. 

For example, what if the toothbrush you’re using could be causing more harm than good? There are millions of bacteria on the average toothbrush, including E. coli, Staph, and many others. In fact, the water in your toilet often contains fewer germs than your toothbrush. And while not all bacteria are bad, some bacteria are flat-out ugly. Knowing how to to take care of your toothbrush and when to replace it are key to long-term oral health. 

Another question to ask yourself is whether you’re using the right kind of toothbrush. If you want to ensure you are reaching all areas of your mouth and removing plaque effectively and safely, then the type of brush you use is something to be carefully considered. Adam Brown, DDS is here to help you evaluate your brushing routine and, if necessary, determine how you can improve it:


Bacteria: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 

First of all, it can help to understand what kind of bacteria are in our mouths. Experts estimate that 500 to 700 different types of bacteria can live in a person’s mouth; typically, an individual will host 250 to 300 at one time. Some of these bacteria are harmful. If left unaddressed, the bad bacteria can lead to ugly conditions like gum disease and leave you vulnerable to contagious illnesses. 

However, your mouth also contains bacteria that are responsible for promoting your oral health. Here are a few examples of how good oral bacteria fights for you:


Mitigating Bad Breath

Studies have shown that if we removed all the bacteria from our mouths, then it could have a negative impact on our oral health. Certain oral bacteria kill other, more offensive bacteria in our mouths. For instance, there are bacteria that survive off of food particles and cause a foul odor (hello, bad breath). Then there are good bacteria like Streptococcus salivarius K12, which help to eliminate the bacteria that cause bad breath. So, if you have a healthy amount of good bacteria, it can help neutralize your breath. 


Aiding in Digestion

Digestion consists of the breakdown of proteins and sugars in the food you consume. This process begins in the mouth, and good oral bacteria can help make it more efficient. In fact, healthy bacteria like probiotics can trigger enzymatic reactions in your saliva that kickstart digestion. 


Staving Off Disease 

Saliva production is an integral part of oral health. Harmful germs from food particles and sugar can cause a host of oral health issues, and saliva is what removes those bad bacteria from our mouths. Good bacteria from probiotics can increase or maintain your saliva production, in turn reducing the likelihood of periodontal disease, oral candida, and many other problems. 


How to Keep Your Toothbrush Clean 

OK, so we’ve discussed how good bacteria can help you maintain oral health. But there is no shortage of bad bacteria out there, many of which end up on your toothbrush. Depending on the study you read, the average toothbrush contains anywhere from 10 million to 100 million bacteria, including E. coli and staphylococci (Staph). 

Whichever side of the spectrum your toothbrush falls on, it’s safe to say that you want to take the necessary steps toward keeping it clean. Here are a few practical ways that you can do that:


Keep it Away from the Toilet

The most convenient spot to store your toothbrush may be on the bathroom sink, which is why so many people keep it there. But this also happens to be one of the worst places to store your toothbrush, especially if your sink is in close proximity to your toilet. 

Each time you flush the toilet, fecal bacteria are released into the air. If your toothbrush is sitting out in the open next to the toilet, well, you get the picture. No one wants fecal bacteria finding a new home in the bristles of their toothbrush. Find a spot that isn’t near the toilet, and if possible, store your toothbrush in a medicine cabinet for better protection. Moreover, close the toilet lid before you flush to minimize the circulation of bacteria.


Clean Your Toothbrush Holder

Your toothbrush isn’t the only thing catching bacteria in the bathroom. If your toothbrush holder is near the toilet, it’s likely collecting bacteria as well. In fact, toothbrush holders are among the most germ-infested items in the average household. It’s right up there with the kitchen sink and dish sponges! 

You might be thinking you’re going to toss your toothbrush holder right about now. While that’s an option, you can also just clean your toothbrush holder daily to keep the bacteria to a minimum. 


Store It Properly

So, you have moved your toothbrush away from the toilet and made your toothbrush holder a part of your regular cleaning routine. Now, there are a few other things you can do to minimize bacteria when you’re not using your toothbrush:

  • Thoroughly rinse your bristles after each use. 
  • Make sure your toothbrush air dries completely between brushes; storing your toothbrush upright in the holder helps with this. 
  • Avoid toothbrush covers, as they inhibit drying and create a breeding ground for bacteria. 
  • Use only your toothbrush, and don’t let anyone else use yours. 
  • Prevent germ swapping by keeping your toothbrush separate from others. 


Clean the Bristles 

You know that you should replace your toothbrush every three months, but what about the time between replacements? If you wash your bedding or bath towels more regularly than that, why wouldn’t you take the same precautions for your toothbrush? Fortunately, there are simple ways to clean your toothbrush each week to keep bacteria at bay: 

Rinse with hot water. Before and after each use, run hot water through the bristles of your toothbrush. This will help eliminate any bacteria that has accumulated between brushes, including new bacteria from your most recent use. 

Soak it in mouthwash. After brushing, fill a small cup with an antibacterial mouthwash. Put your toothbrush into the cup head down, and allow it to soak for at least two minutes. This thoroughly cleans your bristles and leaves your toothbrush smelling fresh; the downside, however, is that it can also cause the bristles to wear down faster. 

Boil the bristles. One of the most effective ways to kill bacteria in your bristles is to boil them. But you must use this method with caution because the plastic handle on your toothbrush can easily melt. Heat a small pot or tea kettle on the stove, and once the water is boiling, turn off the burner. Then, dip the head of your toothbrush in the water for about 30 seconds. This will kill most of the bacteria while preventing the plastic from melting.  

Put it in the dishwasher. Just as it works for cleaning your kitchen utensils, a dishwasher is a wonderful device for cleaning and sanitizing your toothbrush. Put your toothbrush in the utensil container, and run it through a cycle with the rest of your dishes. Depending on how hot your dishwasher gets, you may want to adjust the water temperature to avoid melting. 

Use a UV sanitizer. Many medical experts agree that UV sanitizers are the most effective way to eliminate bacteria on utensils. In fact, laboratories and hospitals across the globe use UV sanitation because it has been shown to kill millions of bacteria in minutes. There are several UV sanitizers on the market designed specifically for toothbrushes. These products tend to be a little expensive, but some people consider them worth the investment. 


When to Replace Your Toothbrush  

Virtually every dental organization in the world recommends replacing your toothbrush at least every three months. While some people think this is a marketing scheme aimed at selling more toothbrushes, there are legitimate reasons why three months is the standard:

Bacteria. Each time you brush your teeth, new plaque and bacteria get on the toothbrush. It’s only a matter of time until the buildup overtakes the toothbrush, even if you routinely keep your toothbrush clean between uses. 

Bad bristles. Bacteria buildup isn’t the only way your toothbrush is affected over time. Your bristles also become worn out. When this happens, it inhibits you from being able to properly clean your teeth and gums, including the surfaces of your teeth and hard-to-reach areas. Moreover, worn-out bristles are harder on your gums and can cause inflammation and premature gum recession. 

Contamination. Anytime you get sick with a viral infection (e.g., cold, flu, etc.), you should change your toothbrush afterward. The bacteria and viruses can cling to the bristles. If you neglect to replace your toothbrush once you recover, it can cause you to become reinfected or contaminate other people in your household.  

Keep an eye on the bristles in your toothbrush. The harder you brush, the faster they will wear down. So, if you tend to apply a lot of pressure when you brush, you may need to replace your toothbrush more often than every three months. As soon as you begin to notice worn-out bristles or bristles pointing in the wrong direction, get a fresh brush. 


Getting the Best Brush for Your Mouth 

Along with keeping your toothbrush clean and replacing it when necessary, it’s essential that you are using the right kind of toothbrush. Here are a couple of factors to consider:



There are several different types of toothbrush bristles. They come in soft, medium, and hard. Most dentists recommend soft bristles because; they are effective at removing plaque yet less harsh on the teeth and gums than hard or medium bristles. 

You can also choose between rounded and flat-top bristles, as well as those that are uniform and those that vary in lengths and angles. Rounded bristles are most often recommended for the same reasons as soft bristles. And bristles with variations help some people clean their teeth more thoroughly. At the end of the day, however, it really comes down to using a toothbrush that is comfortable, safe, and effective for you. 


Manual or Electric 

Another consideration when choosing a toothbrush is whether you want it to be manual or electric. Both types can be effective at removing plaque and promoting oral health. As with bristles, this comes down to preference. As long as you brush twice a day for two minutes with a manual toothbrush, it will work well. But if you are more likely to maintain your oral health routine by using a battery-powered toothbrush, then an electric brush might be the way to go. 



Brushing your teeth is likely such an ingrained habit that you don’t give it much thought outside of the four minutes per day you spend doing it. But there are many things to consider if you want to ensure you are cleaning your teeth and gums as effectively as possible. 

Always keep your toothbrush clean, and replace it at least every three months. Make sure you’re using the right kind of toothbrush for your routine. And remember to call Adam Brown, DDS to schedule an appointment if you have any dental health concerns!

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