What You Need to Know About Dental Implants

2020-07-16T17:23:21+00:00May 12th, 2017|Dental Implants|


Dental implants, crowns, veneers, dentures, bridges, bonding! That’s a lot of dental terms. If you aren’t a dental expert all these terms start to run together. So which one is it?


Dental Implants at Carolina’s Dental Choice are your missing tooth’s best friend. If you are missing a tooth dental implants can permanently replace the missing tooth without anyone noticing. The dental implant is a permanent tooth replacement that matches your other teeth. Let’s be honest, missing teeth can be serious and unattractive. They lower a person’s confidence and can turn smiling into a dreaded reaction. Not to mention, missing teeth can make eating a talking difficult. Carolina’s Dental Choice is dedicated to helping patients feel confident in their smile!


WhaDental Implant, Tooth Replacement, New Tooth, Missing Tootht Are Dental Implants

Dental implants are tooth replacements that are permanently installed in the jaw. Metal post or frames are surgically placed underneath the gums and into the jawbone. An artificial tooth is then placed on top for a natural looking tooth. Having the implant surgically placed into the jawbone allows for stable support for the replacement took. With this stability, the tooth not only looks real it can also function like a real tooth. This makes it easier to eat and speak with ease.



Why Dental Implants?


Dental implants are a timely procedure but the outcome is well worth the effort. Dental Implants last for a very long time and require very little maintenance. The dental implant is a very stable tooth replacement and helps with many things including improving:


  • Your smile and overall appearance
  • Your ability to speak comprehensively
  • Your overall comfort
  • Your ability to chew foods
  • Overall oral health


Type of Implants


  • Subperiosteal Implants- With this type of implant, metal frames are fused into the gum tissue. Overtime the gums heal and allow the frames to become secured to the jawbone. The post that are supporting the frames overhang through the gums. After the jawbone and gum tissue has healed, an artificial tooth is locked to the post.


  • Endosteal Implants- This form of implant is surgically implanted straight on the jawbone. After the jaw and gums are healed, a second surgery takes place to attach a post to the original implant. After all of the gum tissue has healed, an artificial tooth is secured to the post. This method is also used for bridges and dentures that are supported with implants.



  1. Schedule an Appointment

At tDentist Office, Dental Exam, Dental Checkup, Dental implantshe initial appointment your Carolina’s Dental Choice Dentist will exam your teeth. Along with discussing the procedure, your dental history will be reviewed, x-rays will be taken, and your teeth will be thoroughly examined. You will have the opportunity to discuss your options for implants to determine if you are a good candidate. This will get you acquainted to the different procedures and help you and your doctor decided which option is the best fit for you.


  1. First Procedure

For Endosteal Implants the first surgery will take place. The implants will be placed into the jawbone. This is done by making an incision in the gum and inclosing the implant. A small hole is drilled in to the bone for the implant to attach and then is stitched up. After the implants are secured it is important to allow your jaw to heal. The dentist will wait three to six month to plan the next step.


  1. Second Procedure

Next for Endosteal Implants the dentist will take x-rays, to ensure the implants have fused with the jawbone. If all is well, the second surgery will proceed. This surgery is a simple and easy procedure. A small incision is made to show the top of the implant. Once the top of the implants is clear, a healing cap is placed on them, this helps the gum tissue during the healing process. After about two weeks the healing caps will be replaced and the artificial implant can be secured.


How to Take Care of the Implants?


Dental Implants, New Smile, Carolina's Dental Choice, Dental Experts, Pretty Teeth, Clean Smile, Monroe NCThe great thing about dental implants is that they require very little patience and if they are taken care of, implants will never have to be replaced. The upkeep of implants is very easy and requires very little of your time. Steps to keeping your implants successful include:


  • Brushing and Flossing Daily– Duhhh! You already know this one! But just a reminder that it is good oral hygiene to brush your teeth twice a day and floss every evening.


  • Routine Dental Visits– It is important to make visiting your dentist a routine. This can help keep your implants in the very peak condition. Having a dental exam and cleaning every six months is a good habit.


  • Not Smoke– Smoking has been known to weaken the tooth and bone structure. If the jawbone become too weak it can lead to implant failure.


  • Avoid Hard Foods– Foods such as ice and hard candy can be very harmful even to your natural teeth. To protect your implant and your natural teeth avoid chewing on hard foods.


Schedule an appointment at Carolina’s Dental Choice to help you decide if you are a good candidate for dental implants and go over all of your options. You will have a smile to be proud of in no time!

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Seven Ways To Get Your Smile Ready For Summer!

2020-07-16T17:11:15+00:00April 30th, 2017|Dental Bonding, Dental Crowns, Dental Implants, Fixed Bridges, Implants, Teeth Cleaning, Teeth Whitening, Veneers|

With a whole season of fun events ahead you’ll want to make sure you look your best. Whether you are posing for that summer beach picture or smiling at a wedding you want your teeth to look their best. Make an appointment at Carolina’s Dental Choice to have your teeth cleaned or perhaps get a quick fix for a problem tooth.

Teeth Whitening Wilmington


Here are quick ways to improve your smile for the summer:
1   Teeth Whitening
Do you drink several cups of coffee in the morning or eat foods that stain your teeth?  Dr. Vaghani or Dr. Luckhardt can remove those stains with a simple, inexpensive teeth whitening procedure within a few weeks.  Using a carbamide peroxide gel that stays active for up to 6 hours you should notice a dramatic difference within a day.  Our dentist use Opalescence tooth whiten gel.  It has a good track record and can safely be administered at home.  The gel can stay on for short periods of time or over night. Patients often find this form of teeth whitening easy to use. The Opalescence gel comes in three different flavors and prevents dehydration. The gel works by bleaching your teeth to get rid of stains or discoloration.
2   Teeth Cleaning
Sometimes all it takes is a deep clean to do the trick! A deep clean at Carolina’s Dental Choice is an easy way to give your teeth a lift and help prevent dental issues. It is recommended that patients make it a routine to have their teeth cleaned regularly.

During a routine clean, patient’s teeth are brushed diligently, flossed, and examined for cavities and other dental formalities. This teeth cleaning removes plaque and tar that form on the teeth that can be hard to see and difficult to remove. The dentist will clean each individual tooth and remove all unwanted materials on the tooth through brushing, flossing, scrapping, and special dental techniques.

3   Dental Crowns

Uneven teeth? Discolored teeth? Or a week tooth? That’s where dental crowns can help. Dental crowns are designed to help restore the shape, color, and strength of a tooth. This is a considerable option for dental and cosmetic reasons. One of our experienced dentists will examine your teeth to see if a dental crown is necessary and to identify which crown would bet fit your dental needs.  A dental crown is a tooth shaped, porcelain crown that goes over the tooth. This is best for weak teeth that are predicted to crack or break or for teeth that have already cracked. The dental crown can also help support dental bridges or be used for cosmetic purposes. 

As a bonus, most insurance companies cover dental crowns if the procedure is necessary.  

4   Veneers

Looking for that perfect Hollywood Smile?  Veneers are a great choice to cosmetically enhance your smile.  The veneer is a thin custom made cover that can be placed over the teeth. They are made of porcelain and look identical to natural teeth. The veneer is permanently bonded to your tooth to keep your smile looking great!

Veneers change the shape, size and color of your teeth.  First, a small portion of the original enamel is removed, this allows for room for the veneer to be placed on the tooth and function just like the natural tooth.  Veneers may even be placed on the same day with minimally prepped veneers. This type of veneer requires no enamel to be grinded down.

5   Implants

If you have thought about dental implants before, take a second look. This procedure and the products associated with it have changed dramatically over the last six months.  Implants are the latest innovation in cosmetic dentistry.  If you are missing a tooth or two dental implants are a recommended way to replace missing teeth. The implant is a permanent replacement that is durable and looks natural. It can also be an alternative to getting dentures. Dental implants are embedded into the jaw and covered with an artificial tooth that matches other teeth.

There are two types of dental implants; endosteal implants and subperiosteal implants. Endosteal implants are directly implanted through a surgical procedure that implants directly into the jawbone. After the gum tissue is healed another surgery is needed to connect a post to the original implant. After these surgeries have taken place am artificial tooth is placed on the post. The subperiosteal implants are metal frames that are placed on to the jawbone just below the gum tissue. When the gum heals, the frame is secured into the jawbone. Then a post is attached to the frame and an implant is attached.

6   Fixed Bridges

The fixed dental bridge is another method done at Carolina’s Dental Choice to help repair missing teeth. A fixed bridge is a procedure used to replace one or more missing teeth. A bridge consists of two or more crowns. These artificial teeth can be made using gold, alloys, porcelain, or a mixture. The bridges are supported by natural teeth or implants. Dental bridges have many benefits that can help you obtain the perfect smile, create a proper way of speaking and eating, create structure, and prevent teeth from moving out of place.

There are three main types of dental bridges; Traditional Bridges, Cantilever Bridges, and Maryland Bonded Bridges. Traditional Bridges uses a crown for the tooth or implant on either side of the missing tooth. This is the most often form of bridge and is usually mad in ceramics or a porcelain fused to metal. Cantilever bridges are used when there are adjacent teeth on one side only of the missing teeth. This is not a very common form of bridge. Finally, there is the Maryland Bonded Bridge, these are gums supported by a framework of metal or porcelain and use porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, or plastic teeth. The wings are often on one side of the bridge and bond to natural teeth.

7  Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a very quick and easy way to repair teeth that have cavities, cracks, chips, or to alter the shape and size. Dental bonding is a one-trip visit that makes it quick and easy. The bond is very cost effective. The bond is done by using a tooth-colored resin that is a durable plastic material. The dental bond can last anywhere from three to ten years!

To book an appointment before your spring event call Carolina’s Dental Choice at 704-289-9519. Dr. Brown and his team of wonderful dental experts would love to help enhance your smile so you can be confident and smile with pride!


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